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Thursday, October 19, 2006

   Hehehe Smoothie
Okay so last night I was talking to Chiara and telling her all about how me and Jenny are definately going to ITaly next year, when I knock over this pile of stuff. And I unearth a journal me and Sarah started in year 9, which is HOW many years ago?? Lol. We're year thirteen now. Unlucky for all. Anyway, it's full of this crap such as "WE LOVE LEGOLAS" and all: probably because we couldn't find real men...lol. I told Julie the Cool about it, and she was laughing because it revealed my ancient crush on this guy we both know, who is now the most unfanciable guy to me because he'd be so annoying, I just know it. Anyway.

Well I'm going to this Shakespeare production later this month. Unfortunately it's going to have male nudity, which is odd given the circumstances. Anyway.

Hmm...Bagel or Smoothie after school. Given that this will be my breakfast, lunch and possibly dinner - depending on what dad has spent his day doing. For example, he's the only one I know that can drink himself into a stupor at 1 in the morning, then wake up perfectly refreshed at nine o'clock the next day and start preparing a pie...it must be something employment drums into you. Anyway. So smoothie or bagel? I think the smoothie, because it's less food in general, and I'm not in the mood to feel like I'm putting on weight right now. I know that it's better to eat SUSTENANCE rather than pureed fruit, but not today. Anyway.

HELLSING OVA OVA OVA. IT COULD be subbed and dubbed because Gareth had the Japanese release of Howl's MOving Castle which had the English cast on it, and sous-titres...so one never does know. Anyway.


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