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Monday, September 4, 2006

Lol I got Trigun a few days ago. I was up practically all night watching it. That and a cheeky little Terry Gilliam film called Brazil, which I think is a nightmare, but an amazing one I'd like to relive again and again...yesh.

Gareth (henceforth to be known as Chester for obscure reasons) came up to me and tried to "cheer me up" by being all like "Paradise Kiss sucks" and whatnot and I was all like..."I'll beat you to death with my umbrella" and then I dropped the umbrella and everyone was like "Smooooooth."

I got the english translation of the French novel I'm studying, which should be useful.

I sent my letter off to Lucille today. GAH! I'm going to have to get her a birthday card tomorrow and send it off. Holy crap it'll never make it in time...AGH! Ah well, better late than never, right?

I got a new diary. It's a cheapish book with Ruby Gloom as the cover. Promising, right?

OMGAWRSH we were given a surprise test in French today. Listening in French, while the questions and answers were in english - it was so confusing. I got about 2 1/2 out of 15. Woo. I do better at writing and reading anyway. Besides, the whole idea of the French assistant is to help us get better at this listening dealey.
Oh but it is annoying. There is this girl in my class that keeps cracking the most stupid jokes. I mean PUNS and all sorts of crap that is so annoying. The tragic part is that this girl is a naturally funny person - but it all goes totally wrong when she TRIES to be funny.

Oh yes, and my dad isn't speaking to me properly. I don't see why. I got a letter from school and wasn't really looking at where I set it down, and misfortune directed it on top of a greasy pie tin lid. My dad threw the letters on to the floor and for about an hour kept going on about how messy I was, and how pointless it was me even getting letters. That's the thing that annoys me - whever he finds a fault with everyone else he won't FUCKING SHUT UP about it. But when HE does something wrong, it's all smiles and "oh ho ho I've made a jolly mistake, ah well it can't be helped..." YEAH BECAUSE HE'S NOT GOING TO FUCKING SHOUT AT HIMSELF, IS HE?

We are sort of talking, but not by very much. Ah well. This isn't the first time he's done this - it was much worse when I was 11, because I had no idea what I did wrong. I was holding some nails for him, just standing there until he called me for them - but before I knew it he grabbed them out of my hand and said "Standing there in a fucking dream" and slammed the door. The thing is, I was aware of everything, so I have no idea why he decided to snap at me. We didn't speak again for months. I watched him dote on my little sister. But he apologised in his own way.

Ah, perhaps I shouldn't be posting all this. But I just don't understand it. My dad is pretty kind about most stuff, but lately his temper is getting much, much worse. And it's sparked a change in him, like he doesn't like being that way but can't really stop. I don't know why.

Ah, perhaps I shouldn't have posted this.

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