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Monday, August 7, 2006

Well, on saturday my dwarf hamster tiffy died.....I don't think I mentioned her on here did I? Well a couple weeks before x-mas, about 2 years ago, my grandma, aunt, and I were out and about (doing god knows what). So i asked them if we could go to petco to look at the animals. we went there and on top of a bird cage there was a dwarf hamster (in a cage) on top of it. I went up to look at her cause she was so adorable. She took one look at me and tried to fight (she was batting her paws) I showed my grandma and aunt. The clerk lady saw us looking at her and said she was free, cause a family dropped her off there and left w/out a word. She said the hamster was mean cause she was paobably teased by kids/abused. I begged my grandma for her and we ended up sneaking her into my house. Later we showed my mom and she didn't mind. So since she liked to fight a lot we named her Tiffy. (Tiff is another word for fight(s)/fighting))
I love you, Tiffy!
But anywho, before her I had three gerbils. My very first pets to myself. Izzy, Sammy, Stuart. They were super spoiled and lived for almost 5/6 years. That's how good of a owner I am! Their life expectancy is 2 ta 3 or 4 years, but since I loved em' so much I was determined to give em' a long happy life! I trained them too! Believe it! They'd could give kisses, they wouldn't poop/pee on you or anything, and they knew their names. Yep. I loved em', and still do. I know that ppl think I'm a loser for treating animals like ppl and stuff, but I don't care! I love animals!!!! And think they dsserve better!
Sorry for babbling guys! I know I'm weird! ....
Oh, my mom got me new gerbils on sunday. It was a little too sudden for me, but....I donno......but we got three girls this time. We went to three different places all over looking for gerbils, cause everywhere they were out. And the last place we looked had them. Their names are Isabella (Bella for short), Sophie, and Sandy. ..........bye guys...........><'

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Thursday, August 3, 2006

   wah- -!
Yeah, so my poll thing messed up my site!!! It was all crazy and weird! I can't really explain it, but my posts wouldn't show and the poll thing was really wide! I had to scrool from side to side to see the whole thing. And when I clicked the arrow (to choose a character) it didn't have their names, it had my moving text on it!?!?! WTHey?! So, that was a waste of everyone's time and my time spent on making it! (I had to look up all most of those names and stuff!!!) Dangitt!!! I'm so frustrated!!! GAAHHHH!!!! >< rrrr...Sorry guys! I feel bad now...

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Tuesday, August 1, 2006


Certificate of Marriage
This is to certify that
Edward Elric & NinjaPride
were married on
August 01, 2006
Marry Your Favorite Character

Certificate of Marriage
This is to certify that
Naruto & NinjaPride
were married on
August 01, 2006
Marry Your Favorite Character

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Hey guys! I just put a poll thingy! So all you naruto fans or whatever vote plz!!!!Think about the children!!
><' heh...
PS: Everytime I see this part of Fullmetal Alchemist, it makes me wanna cry or scream in agony(and it makes my heart jump in a wierd way)...Yep, I'm a loser.

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Monday, July 31, 2006

Today was unbelievably HOT!!! I swear I was gonna die!! At practice we ran 3 miles, but it felt like a 1000, and when me and Alicia got back to the school, coach tells us to go up and around it!!! WTH?? It was torture I tell ya!! Isn't there some kinda law? "Child Running in Heat" law, maybe? (like the child labor law) All the while Alicia was tellin' me to slow down, but I wanted to get done! So i did a little while. When I finished I was drenched! It looked like I jumped in a friggin' pool that went up to my neck (my face wasn't sweaty at all...?) *sigh*

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Saturday, July 29, 2006

yep. I'm bored. Watched a movie. Ordered pizza. Got on myotaku. wow. I. Am. So. Bored.
Yesterday I slept through XC practice. But I was so bored that I fell asleep and woke up too late. I wanna go to the mall tomorrow. If I can. I need more manga to read. ently I've been reading Memoirs of a Geisha (donno if i spelled it right, sorry). My sisters are watching Doogal, now. I didn't wanna. Here're so icons that I liked from my online diary...^^

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Well, it turned out that my grandparents didn't come....that really bummed me out. But my mom still took me out. We ate at Chili's and went to see a movie. It was Lady in the Water, very good. But it's not really a horror, kindof a suspense-mystery-ish kinda movie. I liked it, though!!! But anywho, here're a couple anime pics...

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Friday, July 28, 2006

   Nothing much
wElL, WeLl,well.......I'm bored.......my computer has gone crazy in some sort of way and won't play my L'Arc~En~Ciel cd! Why Mr. computer? WHY!? (no answer) hmmmmm...I'll just sing to myself...
Well, today's cross country practice was fun. We played a trick on Caitlin (a team mate). Although it was pretty lame it was still funny to us. Coach just got back today from her vacation so we had to get in all the fun we could before she arrived at 4:45. It was worth it.

Afterward, at home, my mom, sisters, and I took the dogs for a walk up to the elementary school. (like we do every late afternoon on the dot) I was getting restless when we got there so I chased a rabbit...why? I don't know, but he was tryin' ta hide from me! It wasn't worth it cause the grass is so long and itchy, I have to bouce out of it so I'm not scratchin' my ankles all night. (Which didn't work, mind you)

Tomorrow I'm goin' out ta eat w/my grandma, papa, and mom at a mexican resturaunt! I can't wait! Cause yesterday was papa's birthday. (FYI: I call my grandpa, "papa") ^^'
Good Night Everyone! zzz
I'll wake up the moment you close your eyes The more you try to forget The more I'll be at your side I am the vampire who lives in the darkness of your mind You will not be able to sleep So why don't you just stay awake...?

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Thursday, July 27, 2006

So thanks to IMNo1Bishounen's help site and LB pointing it out to me thing've been a lot easier for me! Except for the fact that none of my 'custom smilies' will work. Ah, well! That doesn't really matter to me now as much.

But now I know how to do more stuff than be4! And I'm so excited! TheOtaku is one of the best sites I've joined! well, it's time for me to go around and visit everyone's sites now! I might update again in a bit. It depends. Maybe then I'll think of something to talk about! ^^ Ta-ta!

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   Slow Day
Man, is my computer having a slow day! It's been taking forever for me to go from one site or page to the next! >< Geez!
But anywho! I've made a lot of friends thanks to IMNo1Bishounen and GhostlyNinja! It gets me so pumped for some reason! ^^
Hmm, I'm pretty bored right now. I need to buy some manga! I haven't for a long while! I'll go crazy if I don't!!! hmmmmm there's nothing really to write about either, all I really do is babble...><'

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