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myOtaku.com: newbie07

Sunday, August 22, 2004

   Might as well get this over with...
HIIII!!!! It is 2:44am. I am supposed to be packing but, i might not get a chance to come back during the day so let's start with the poem of the day. This poem was written by Kiyame one of MyO members. I loved it and i decided to make it the poem of the day. HEHE!

you are one
you are whole
you are you

When you are brought into this world

you see
you touch
you smell
but you are still you

when you grow older

you discover
you find
you get depressed
but you are still you

nomatter what happens thick or thin

you will always be one
you will always be whole
you will always be YOU.

Kool HUH!

Here is what i think this day will be like.

First thing first, shower(DUH!!!) clothes, morning stuffs. Then Drink some coffee (steal it from mom, HEHE!) then go to church. HEar the sermon. Be bored (no offense) then come home. Get my bag then go to Washington D.C. for VB camp. But, first we have to stop by at Kohl's to get some clothes for moi-I hear someone walking, scary-I need more pants. Then off I go to Washington. After that I will be around, not sure exactly what to do though. Get settled in mostly. Then probably be tired cuz of coffee, HEHE! I am just wack!! Done and I will be at VB camp. I'll try and come back-I'm serious, I can hear pez walking around the house!!!! I can feel them too!!!!- to post the poem of the day and check some of ur sites. HEHE! ONe thing not good abt going back to VB camp is alicia!!! I do not wanna see her. I hate her guts but, oddly enough i am friend with her, WTH!!!!! Ok enough abt that i am gone!!! Read the next post too pls, I BEG YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you. HEHE!

I found this, so hillarous. I love Garfield!!!!

Funny huh? Umm, gonna go ciao.

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