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myOtaku.com: necury

Friday, July 28, 2006


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Currently listening to: 'Wo Bist Du' by: Rammstein, while eating a rice cake, AT THE SAME TIME! *applaudes self* :D

Yesterday, Mum and I went to see 'The Devil Wears Prada'. IT WAS FREAKING HILARIOUS! Anne Hatheway is pretty cool.

Damn. My rice cake keeps showering me with crumbs. My skirt is a mess. Stupid rice cake..........

I was on DevianART yesterday, looking at LinkandLuigis' art work. I must say, they SUCK at drawing but they RULE at comedy! The ideas for the pictures themselves, poorly drawn as they were, were HILARIOUS! I admire their sense of humour. I wish I was that funny and entertaining...*sniffle*
Oh well. *sigh*

While I was on there, I was like "Hey. Why don't I get a file?". So I did. Necury is my screen name (Suprise suprise).

Speaking of art, I drew a NEW picture! It's chibi Gansta Neji and chibi model Sasuke. Sasuke turned out better, I think. He's doing that pose that he did in the 'Konoha Olympics' episode. You know, that 'I'm so hot, you know you love me' pose. Where he has his hands on his hips, like some emo model wanna-be. I love that pose. It's so FUNNY! He's wearing that rediculious black spandex get-up (But I like that better than his usual outfit).

Neji is lame.........yeah. He is so anti-female, even though he looks like one. Xp

The RPGing is still kinda stupid. Kayame fell off the ceilling........andi is STILL falling! Necury has the unfortunate duty to catch her.

I'm bored. So I think I'll post some Sasori related pictures. For my own amusement. So here they are:

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Look familar? (Sorry, I can't spell worth crap.)

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Heehee! A rhyme!

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I know this isn't Sasori, but I couldn't resist!

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BWAH X! Deidara ish so CUTE!

See? Weren't those entertaining?

I don't have a video for today, because Youtube is shit. So, Ta ta!

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