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myOtaku.com: necury

Thursday, February 15, 2007

   Um.....hehe... ^^;

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Currently listening to: 'Everything You Want' by- Vertical Horizon. ShikaIno and KibaHina~! XD

WARNING: This is going to be a long post ^^;

Hehe Sorry I haven't updated or been to any sites in a couple days. ^^; The internet was just like; "DIES" and it did..... ^^; Very annoying......

Anyway, I had a really horrible dream monday night. It was based off of the movie 'An American Haunting' (which RAWKS lol) which I saw last November...... Yeah...the dream was really horrible and it bothered me all of tuesday morning. I had to go home early from school cause I threw up during break..... And then I spent the rest of the day watching the FMA movie (which is very dissapointing. I hate the ending) and sleeping. ^^; I got out of school again yesterday too....mainly because when I opened the front door to leave, I met horrible weather. So I told mum that I still wasn't feeling well and she let me stay home.... :p

Anyway, my elder cousin FINALLY proposed to his girlfriend. I mean, they already have a baby, for God sakes. Men are terribly unmotivated in the love department... (no offense ^^')

Gawd. Yesterday was annoying. Tyler had a date with his new girlfriend and at play practice (unfortunately, I still had to go :() they were rehhersing their first scene together (we're doing 'The Importance of Being Ernest' and Tyler is Jack and Rhianon is Gwendolen) and Jack proposed to Gwendolen and it was so mushy and you could tell they totally meant what they were saying about being in love. Kalar and I were in backstage practically gaging about it. See, Tyler is my cousin and I don't particularly like Rhianon anyway and I HATE the fact that they're dating and Kalar used to like Tyler so I think it's mostly jealousy on her part. And we find it repulsive how much time they spend together or talking online. And to make matters worse, Rhianon is a brunette/punkish version of Hillary Duff (as if that isn't painful enough) and her brother is Duncan, who is an opinionated jerk. At least to Ben.

Oh Lordy.....I've spent so much time already....I'd better end it here. ^^; Sorry guys!

Random Question~

1. Were you alone for V-Day?

-sniff- Yes..... :(

Have a great day!! ♥

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