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myOtaku.com: NaruHina12

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Hey!!!!I got on....yay for me!!!I'm at Minty's house at this moment but she is out like a lightbulb!!*chuckle*Well Today I found out that one of my best friends has been making alot of rumors about me and my best guy friend, saying that she saw us make out!!I can't believe her nerve!!!I WOULD NEVER EVER NEVER EVER do that!!!!!!!!Plus he is one of my friends current boyfriend.People are telling me to tell her about this but I just couldn't confront her...I will, just not now.
On a different subject, as I told you I am here at Minty's house at her belated b-day party.We are still up but she is out......yeah.LOL!!She had a swimming party and it was very fun but there were people there I don't know very well and I kinda felt like a loner but I grew to love them all. I met her neighbor(finally) that I only talked on the phone with. She called me modest and I just wanted to ask you all, do you all think I'm modest????*stuck thinking about it* Well, I should prabably get going, but before I go, I will soon be making questions on some posts for you guys to answer so get ready because you never now when one or two or five come up. Till next time and love you all!!!*blowing kisses*

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