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myOtaku.com: NaruHina12

Saturday, March 31, 2007

I hate the truth.
Hi everybody. I really wanted to say thank you for everyones comments on my last post. They all really helped. Well, during the week I found out more about you-know-who,let's call him jerk for now, and the truth is...the day right after I asked him out,as you know he left me hanging, he turned around and asked "the other girl" out (I really want to call her bitch but....you know what? Her new nickname is "Bitch") Ok, here's the deal with me and her.
Last year we were really good friends until she started ditching me...ALOT!! Well, my birthday comes around and I could only invite a certain amount of people to my birthday party. I invited most of my classmates and alot of my best friends, including "Jerk". Well, I wasn't able to invite her and she knew Jerk was going to my party. So she started calling me "Bitch". And the funny part about this that the only reason she started doing that was all because I invited Jerk and I didn't invite her. Yeah, I know. She is a total retard!!
Well, after I found out I wrote a note to him off. To be honest, I don't think he really cared but he was mad that I made it seem like he was a total ass. So I wrote another note saying, "I didn't call you an ass, I said you made yourself look like one." He never wrote back.
Today, I was walking in the hall and Bitch was there waiting for her friend that she now ditches everyday. I was just standing there talking to one of my friends but I felt like an EVIL glare was piercing my body!! I quickly turn around and I see her there staring me down with one of those stares that sends the message "Bitch!I HATE YOU!!" I wanted to go up to her and say, "What do you want from me now??!!My soul??!!" but I didn't.
My friend, Karen, said that she already got what she wanted (which is Jerk) why can't she just leave me alone? Quite frankly I don't know but it must be something worthless. I'm still kinda hurt but I'm taking baby-steps to get better. You all may think I'm seriously sick in the head but, I still like/love him. I want to hate him!! I really do!! But, My feelings for him keep getting in the fricking way!!Now I know that its better to just admire from afar.
Once again, thank you all my homiez for helping me get through this. I love you all!!!

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