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myOtaku.com: mythrin

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

   Con Progress
Well, Anime Oasis is this weekend and I'm slowly finishing stuff up. Etaru's about to kill me for not calling her back (sorry!). The shoes are coming along rather nicely. My step dad is graciously doing half of the work and helping me get started (the last time I sewed was roughly 4-6 years ago for my Home Ec. class so I'm definitely rusty). But it's working nicely. The main body is on, we just need to add the second piece which is the leg part and then the velcro and they'll be pretty much done. I'm in a bit of a pickle because I just realized that I forgot to make some leg straps so I have to figure out how I'm going to do those and all that fun stuff. Other then that, things are looking up. Sam and I are going to be getting together to get our skit worked out as well as travel plans (the gourd of d00m fits in my (and my step dad's) probe!! It's a miracle!!) So I just need to get things finalized with Etaru and Sam, finish these shoes and the straps, and off we go to the con! Oh, and I have to clean my room XD. Ain't life grand??

Oh, and I finally redyed my hair again. It's an odd dark maroonish orange red SOMETHING but I also have some temporary dye to put in my hair as the con gets closer that will (hopefully) make my hair a more brilliant red that it needs to be for this XD

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