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myOtaku.com: mythrin

Sunday, March 4, 2007

   What 4 Glasses of Mt Dew and 1 Glass of Coke does to a Person
lol First of all, sorry to all the people's sites I commented on while in this mood. And especially sorry if I scared any of said people XD. I have had so much caffiene this weekend and I love it! lol. But yes, In this morning alone I have have 1 glass of coke, and 4 consecutive glasses of Mt. Dew. The 2 litter is almost gone and it's all thanks to MMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

Anyway, I have to ask all who read this to keep Jaguar in your prayers. She's a fantastic person that I just love talkin too. She has to go in for surgery on her leg and so prayer is always nice. Thanks and I hope you get well soon Jaguar!!!

Sorry for my absence on things. I mean to do some catching up here pretty quick. And my instant messanger just closed on me completely. What in the world? =O_o= Anyway, yes, I'll be getting back to everyone here in the next few days and catching up on what I've missed. Thank Etaru. She was complaing to me on the phone about me not updating here in a while and saying she missed my comments XD. So I figured it was time to get off my lazy rear and get caught up. I'll be making some new ecards here in addition to the new ones I made not too long ago so be on the lookout for those. And next time, I swear I won't be so caffiene induced XD Take care everyone and have fantastic weeks!!! =^_^= *bows*

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