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myOtaku.com: mythrin

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

   Follow The White Rabbit
... I hate rabbit trails... It's 3:40 and I still haven't touched my homework which is to do a blue print of sorts of a two story house and label everything in Latin and then I have to make cinquain and diamante (two types of poems) of Hero and Leander (I'll recap the story of these two lovers later - and for the record, Hero is a woman.) These two poems must be made into a valentine, and they also must be in Latin =^_^=

Wow, sidetracked again!!! Anyway, the reason I'm back is because of received an email from Etaru. It is was a link to a cg a friend of hers on cosplay.com had made. The cg is one of the pics Etaru and I took together as Temari and Gaara, time jump style, and I must say her friend, Tennyochan, did an amazing job. So, go check it out if you have the chance!

Here's the link to the picture: http://images.cosplay.com/showphoto.php?photo=985062

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