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Tuesday, December 27, 2005

   clamp news!!!!
"A small change has been made in CLAMP's site, the more-than-a-month abandoned ALBUM section has changed it name to "FROM CLAMP". It's basically what it's being from the last months. there they will write some messages for us, but knowing them, I don't put much faith on it. I don't think it's going to be constantly updated as before, for that they are using CLAMP-PLA.NET's Album. Too bad, I never thought I'd say that but I'll miss Kakyou pics *sigh*

Anyway, off to the news:

Next chapters scheduled **means new

12/14 - Shonen Magazine #02 & 03 - No Tsubasa scheduled.
12/28 - Shonen Magazine #04 & 05 - Chapter 101.
**01/11 - Shonen Magazine #06 - Chapter 102.

The cover for the DVD Premium has been announced

the cover is looking very much like the back-cover for "aerial". Looks pretty.
The normal version is the same image for the official poster.

Next chapters scheduled **red means new

12/12 - Young Magazine #02 & 03 - Chapter 94.
12/26 - Young Magazine #04 & 05 - Chapter 95.
**01/07 - Young Magazine #06 - No XXXHOLiC scheduled.

Here's the cover for the Premium version of the DVD
Some news about the anime version of XXXHOLiC: The broadcast will be on TBS channel (the same for Chobits) and it'll start on April, but on May it'll start to be broadcasted on Kids Station. I am assuming that it'll be broadcasted simultaneously, as I think it's a cable/paid TV because that same channel airs Pokemon, which is a TV Tokyo anime.
So basically it'll be airing on the two channels at the same time, with one month of advance for TBS's version. This is what I think, or would be crazy enough to air one month on TBS and the rest on Kids Station?

Nothing much on these last days, due to the holidays the news are lacking a lot, but here's one tiny just to break the silence:

On Animate's ranking CLAMP made an, unexpected I should say, appearance.

I thought the Tsubasa CD Drama was supposed to be there in some place, but it wasn't. Instead, the DVDs for XXXHOLiC and Tsubasa showed up:

4th place: XXXHOLiC Movie Premium Edition.
5th place: Tsubasa Movie Premium Edition.

These are really really good numbers. The DVDs have just been announced and they are already in the rank, they are pre-orders, of course. And they are both the Premium edition (making those special editions really is worthy). I'm happy and surprised to see XXXHOLiC in first place too, who is always under Tsubasa.

I guess we can expect both of them to reach higher numbers when they actually are released.
Tsubasa #13 and XXXHOLiC #8 are scheduled to be released on February 17th, 2006."

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