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myOtaku.com: MiTz

Friday, August 27, 2004


WOo HOo! TODAY IS FRRRIIIIDDAAY! WOOT!!! WOOT! OOEE! OEE! OEE! OEE! ok, anyways!! Today was an o.k day at work. I pretty much finished all of my work early so i got to sit around and do nothing for the last four or five hours. (*yawn!*) So we just sat around and listened to music on this really awesome website. I love Rock music, it makes my day SOO much better! :) hehe! Anyways, i found out today from talking to one of my coworkers that there are good steroids and bad steroids. I told him that taking steroids would make your doinker fall off and he told me that was only if you took the "bad" steriods. He said that he was taking the "good" kind so his doinker was safe. (*honestly, that was just a LITTLE too much info for me, but whatever floats his boat and tickles his pickle i guess*) LOL
ANyways, changing the subject! lol Today was a pretty o.k day though. I got to eat out for lunch and then we FINALLY GOT TO COME HOME!!! YAY!!! Yeah, so now my friend is reading everything that i'm writing down and correcting me whenever i make a mistake, so i've gotta go k?!

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