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myOtaku.com: Miss Anonymous

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Are YOU Smarter Than A Fifth Grader?

I've been flipping through my Chronicles of the Cursed Sword manga, and now more than ever I really want to catch up in it. I'm missing six volumes of the series; Borders never has the next one in line whenever I go, so... blah. Next time I get enough money I'll order it online. *nods*

This week at my church is all about seniors right now; yesterday they had a "senior night" instead of their youth group, and later tonight Brian and Erin (the youth leaders) are taking the seniors out to dinner at Applebee's. Of course I'm going to Applebee's tonight! (I mean, come on! Free food!) I also went the senior's night last night, and... it was fun, yeah. The thing is, they never said last Sunday that "Oh, and bring your family!" No, they were just saying it's a tribute to the senior's; then Brian calls me yesterday and mentions the whole bring-your-family thing. Well, I could only get my mom to come, and mainly only because there was such bad traffic that day so she couldn't go to work out. XP Teh blah...

So we arrive at the church; we wait around awkwardly for a half hour, maybe talking with a few people briefly. Then everyone gets called into the main room.
By the way, out of the 11 seniors that were graduating who went to that church, only 5 came. :P
Anyway, they had this little slide show, with pictures of all the seniors, you know. I only had two in the whole thing: one where I had been cropped out of the pic, then the whole pic itself with my sister and mom. Kinda lame, but it's not like I've been with the church for very long, just two years. I mean, some of those kids have been there since they were six years old! How do you compete with that? You can't.
So yeah, then they had the 5 of us go get one of the presents they had on a table, then go to the main stage. We were asked questions, like "What was your most embarassing moment in high school?" or "What was your favorite class?" Stuff like that.

After that, they decided to have us do a little "Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader" show; greeaaaat. What's funny though is that, at the end of the little game, the homeschooled girl, me, won. I beat the guy that apparently got a 4.0 and was valedictorian at his school; AND, he missed the first question, which was "Round off 1285 to the nearest hundredth." He guessed 1290! Wow, I just can't believe that. It's such basic math. XP
So yeah, they had their little fun at our expense. We opened up the gifts, and we got some candy and some books.
And then they offered up the microphone to anyone who wanted to say something; some of it was downright funny, my friend Brock really holds some grudges. lol
The evening came to a close; I signed all the graduates cards, Mom and I got our picture back, and we headed out. It was fun, I'm just too lazy to go into further detail. XP
The weirdest part about the evening? Finding out that Brock was two years younger than me. I coulda sworn he was my age! Or at least a year younger... strange.

Ta then!

God Bless

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