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myOtaku.com: Minamoto Botan

Wednesday, May 3, 2006


I've had juvenile diabetes for thirteen years, almost 3/4 of my life thus far. Diabetes has many complications outside of a broken-down pancreas. It is a chemical disorder and messes with the brain. Diabetes and depression are closely linked, and since I have forms of both, I can tell you the mix is quite deadly. For some time I was depressed and overdosing on my diabetic meds, passing out every night for a week or two. I know this case is extreme, but there are others much worse off than I. Diabetes also causes kidney, liver, eye, and thyroid failure/complications. It is a source of harassment--being called “sickie” or druggie is never fun. Right now I am starting to get my diabetes on track, but in order for this to happen I must test my blood glucose level about 4 times a day and take injections 5-6 times a day, depending on the day of the week. That means that I have to prick myself with needles 9-10 times every day. That's 63-70 times a week, so at a bare minimum-- 22995 to 25550 needle pricks a year. And did I mention that I've had diabetes for thirteen years? That's about 332,153 pricks in my lifetime. Almost half of a million. And I'm only eighteen. On top of that, diabetics need to have blood drawn at least 3 times a year in order to check for kidney, liver, thyroid, and cholesterol problems. We also have to have countless urine tests and yearly eye exams. Adding the pricks for the blood draws, I've been pricked with needles about half a million times in my eighteen years of living.

So why did I give you this sob story? Simply because I'm not the only one dealing with this. I'm not the only "kid" who has to refrain from candy and treats. I'm not the only "kid" who has to count every single carbohydrate consumed and take shots for each snack, no matter how hungry I am in the middle of the day. In fact, I'm not even one of few. Diabetes is the most common chronic disease in the entire world. That's right, it even rivals chicken pox in commonality. Please, if not for me, do this for all the other diabetics out there—continue to donate. Every single dollar counts. If all you can give is five dollars a year, I will still ask for God to bless you every night because you have brought me and every other diabetic closer to a cure. Thank you, merci, arigato, danka, and God Bless You!

Together we can make the cure a reality!

Please help me and everyone else with juvenile diabetes...click on the link to donate.
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