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myOtaku.com: Minamoto Botan

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

So damn tired...listening to Green Day really loud to wake myself up

Botan: Wow, that's a long subject line

Anyways, yeah, so tired >_> but last night I was too excited to sleep and this morning I was still up before 6 ^.^ LAST NIGHT I ORDERED THE FRUITS BASKET UNIFORM OFF EBAY!!!! >//< squee! It will be specially made to fit me and sent from Hong Kong. The total cost (including shipping and handling) is $60. After buying it I was so excited I had to talk to Yasha. After awhile I was crying and talking about how everyone close to me gets seperated from me (long story) and how it got blurted out that she was basically my BOYFRIEND (reeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllly long story). But anyways, today I have an AP English Exam, a Government Quiz, a Government Test, and my first chiropractor appointment. Quite the day, huh? and then tonight I need to write a rough draft for an AP English paper, which I write the final draft for tomorrow night. THEN SATURDAY IS PROM! >//< squee! You see, I have a one in five chance of being prom queen! >//< squee! and Tora has the same chance of being prom princess >//<

Well, better attempt to wake myself up and do more homework and go to prayer service and my exam...this is what happens when I get less than 8 hours of sleep after trying to dye my hair and ending up alergic to the dye and then this morning my eyes are still so irritated it's hell to get my contacts in.

I...need....a less eventful life.

Good news though--i met a new therapist yesterday and love her!

Well, better go for real...

Sayonara! et Dieu est avec vous!!!!!!!

(Wow...I go from Japanese to French o_O;;)

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