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myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The face that launced a thousand fansites...
Mood: Silly
Music: Some Naruto trailer
Anime craving: Hikaru no Go

Foo! The wedding is over and it's spring break. The wedding in and of itself was rather fascinating. For one thing, I managed to wear heels. Four-inch heels. O_o Ouch. The most fascinating part was the relatives. If there's one thing I learned, it's that my family is crazy. So, so, crazy. There was some dancing (including, of all things, the chicken dance) and drunkeness (which explains some of the dancing). But, the ceremony was beautiful and no lasting damage was done to my feet. ^_^ I did have an encounter with someone. You know, the kind where someone walks up and starts talking to you as if you should know them from somewhere, but you can't remember who they are. Yeah. It was bizarre. And I still can't remember where I met her; I only remember who she is and who she's related to. Weird. She seemed to like me a lot. I wonder why.

Anyway, still catching up on the anime. I raided a store earlier this month and picked up some DVDs. I've watched all of them (though really only subtitled). I found that they were showing Jing: King of Bandits on TV, so I fangirled for a few minutes and watched most of the episode. They turned Jing into a bishounen. Wow. ^^;; He went from this to this.

I still have a bit of anime lying around, like the DVRed Yu-Yu Hakusho and a tape of Big O. Geez. ^^;;

Well, I shall see you soon, lovely!


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