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myOtaku.com: mikazuki

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

   Cold-flus, weddings, and fried Xboxes!
Only i am cabale of being this close to the equator and still manage to get a cold/flu. Go figure. Anhwhos, i am having a great time. Friday night, when chi quyen and i went out to buy dinner, i convinced her to go fast, and we had fun going about 40 kmph. Veitnamese are among the best drivers in the world, other wise there would be accidents all over the place. Also the trafic rules that americans regard as absolute are negotionable here, the only real rule being anything goes as long as it doesent cause and acident. So the lines on the road and the traficlights are considered sugestions. It is really different here. On saturday i had flower class againg and the other ladies had a grand time testing out their english on me. After that hieu and i hopped in a taxi and went of to his paternal grandparents house for his aunts wedding. We arrived late to the family lunch, but it was all taken in good humour by every one (i managed to turn several of hieu's male relatives heads in my new jeans) and i was stuffed with food by all the aunts. Every time i sit down to eat all the women take it upon themselves to feed. me. This wedding was fairly informal i was told, because the bride is 40 and the groom had been married before. After lunch and talking every one settled i to take an afternoon seista. Hoa and i claimed a bed upstairs where the women were sleeping, and napped away the hottest part of the afternoon. After everyone was dressed and preen, we all drove over to the open air hall where the wedding banquet was held. While the first guests arrived, pictures were takken (wich i tried to escape, but to no avail because i was always draged back by hoa). Then we had dinner, while having our eardrumed blasted out by the REALLY REALLY LOUD music. Hieu, some cousins and i had fun trying to trick people into opening thoroughly shaken coke cans. There was kareoke and on of hieu's uncles dedicated a song to me.... weird. After everyone had left we all dragged our tired carcasses back to the house, grabbed our stuff and headed home. Yesterday my cold was really nasty until in the afternoon where The came to the rescue with some cold medicine for me. In the morning i did my flower class home work while hieu watched a movie. After the movie was done hieu wanted to play on his xbox so he pluged it into the wall. Now let me explain somthing about wall plugs here. They have DOUBLE the voltage of wall plugs in america. And the xbox was made in america, and therefore for american wall plugs. Are you getting the picture? So hieu, anh quoc, and i found out what happens when you plug an american xbox into a veitnamese power circut. With a loud sudden zap-pop-bang-sizzle the xbox let its displeasure be known by promptly dying from fried cicuts and a blown hard disk. Hiue foung out then and there just Why he had always been pluging it into a power converter... so he would still have a WORKING xbox. Hieu was bereft as he scurried of to the xbox shop to see if it could be fixed. Yes it could he was informed, but it would end up costing more than the xbox itself........ So the mourning hieu was promptly bought a new xbox by his parents (not the best way of teaching him a lesson, but heck he is now happy again). That afternoon hieu went to diamond plaza to hang out with misa (his ex) and bang one of his guy freinds. We had fun playing video games and then we went and had a game of bowling. As we were returning our shoes, a guy walks up to misa and i and randomly gives us seven free games. We were overjoyed, and after misa and i were done dancing around with glee, we promptly proceeded to turn in the passes. During bang's turn we go what we thought was a salt shaker and hieu voulunteered by opening his mouth. So misa shook some on his tongue, and we discovered that is was not salt, but actually powder to put on your hands. Hieu's face was priceless, and he ran of to the bathroom to wash out his mouth as misa was wailing that she killed hieu, while we both were doubled over with laughter.


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