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The World That Never Was
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Um... straight A's?
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Uh... Fruits Basket & Kingdom Hearts
to become a pediatrician, to draw really really really good
basketball, drawing, reading, writing(occasionally), eating candy, TV, playing on the computer, baking
basketball, math, reading, drawing
| midnightqueen
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Happy Belated Valentine's Daaaay!!!! ^_^
"One of the remarkable things about love it that, despite very irritating people writing poems and songs about how pleasant it is, it really is quite pleasant."
How oddly appropriate. XD And awwww. ^///^
So how are you all doing? I just posted two new pics. 8D One of Riku and Takara and one of Rika and Kyo. X3 Here's the first one:
 A Kiss From Me To You Hosted By
And the other:
 A Dozen Roses Hosted By
Please look at them and vote/comment/fave!!! ^_^ Don't let those things die... ^_^
So, how was your Valentine's Day? Mine was okay, I suppose. My Mommom gave me chocolate and those candy heart thingies. Nothing all that special happened. *shrugs* We got Chinese food for dinner... wontons and shrimp toast and fried shrimp and potstickers and some other stuffs... It was okay. And then at 8:30 I had basketball practice, and I was suddenly just completely drained of energy and I couldn't run that much... T.T
Today was much much better. ^_^ I think I aced my Spanish test and in human geo we did NOTHING at all... XD We talked about our trip to that island to camp, and it was cancelled. For good this time. -_- And our $90 is going towards this National Geographic lecture and a one-day canoe trip. In morality, all we did was draw. XD It was of something from the Bible that was already written on our paper... Mine was about a rich man at a feast who turned away a beggar named Lazarus, and then Lazarus was in the arms of Abraham and the rich man went to hell. Something like that. I don't really know. DX But I drew a pretty-ful picture!!! X3
Oh, yesterday I had a bio test. I think I did HORRIBLE. T.T Half the stuff my teacher didn't even teach us, and the other half he BARELY covered. T.T I feel really bad for him, though. He had surgery yesterday (we have a sub until March), on his eye. *shudders* When you have eye surgery, you are awake. Cuz when they give you the stuff that makes you fall asleep, your eyes roll back in your head. They do the same thing when you fall asleep, too. And then they can't work on it if it's like that. So he told us he was awake and could actually talk to the doctors. >_< This is his 2nd surgery, too. He had the first one for a detached retina, and it works 95% of the time. He was part of the 5% that it didn't work for. So yesterday he had his 2nd surgery, and now he has to just lay down face-down all the time, so that gravity will help him heal or something. I fell so bad for him!!!! T.T
Tomorrow I'm doing the clock for 3 games, playing my game in the middle, and then going to my great uncle's 75th birthday party. In Virginia. Which is VERY FAR AWAY. T.T So we're gonna be staying in a hotel tomorrow night, and on Sunday we'll be coming home, probably mid-afternoon maybe. But at least I have off Monday!!! X3 So anyway, I'll be away and might now have internet. So yeah, just letting you know. ^_^
I'm hoping to get together with M-chan and G-chan to watch anime movies and possibly go to Barnes & Noble on Sunday night. I hope we can!!!! I MISS MY M-CHAN and G-CHAN!!!!!!!!!!! T.T
I better get going now. ^_^ It's pretty late and I gotta get up at 8:30. Questions!!! ^_^
1. When's the earliest you have ever gotten up? (Uhh... probably about 3 am when I had to catch a plane at 6. DX Not fun.)
2. Have you ever stayed up all night [as in, no sleep AT ALL] on a school night? (Yes... school the next day was NOT FUN. T.T)
3. How old is the oldest person you know? (I don't know... The oldest person who I know whose age I know would be my great uncle whose 75th birthday I'm going to... But other than that, I dunno. *shrugs*)
Bye-bye buddies!!!!!!!! *huggles* ^_^
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