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Uh... Fruits Basket & Kingdom Hearts
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| midnightqueen
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Saturday, July 25, 2009
ACK. I'm sooo tiiirrrreedd. T^T I slept over at my friend's house last night, and for some reason I couldn't fall asleep until around 4am.... and then I woke up around 8. ;-; And then today my brother wanted to go to watch his kung fu teacher compete in a tournament, so he and my mom and I went and he went to the tournament, and my mom and I wandered around town. I got some shirts on major sale... only about 5 bucks each. >w< And a bracelet. And some chocolate malt balls. 8D
And today my mom gave me a skirt she got a while ago that she's never worn. It's pretty! It's black and ruffly and has white ribbons on it. >w<
We just got home about ten minutes ago...
Oh, my mom's favorite part of the day... XD We were at The Limited (I think) and I saw the bracelet on sale and wanted it... so I showed it to my mom and said it matches both of the shirts I got there, and she said it also matches one of her shirts, so she'll have to borrow it. XD So the lady at the cash register asked if we lived in the same household, and I said "She's my mother." She looked shocked. XD My mom loved that. XD
I mooched-- er, borrowed-- some manga from M-chan this morning. >w< Six volumes of Black Cat and five volumes of One Piece. I'm so excited to read theeeeeem. x3
Also, I started the first volume of Bizenghast. I like it so far. :3
I'm listening to Phantom of the Opera. -w-
Every time I type "opera" I end up typing "opear" and having to retype it... ._.
*munches M&Ms* 'w' Byes!! *huggles*
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Thursday, July 23, 2009
'Ello, peoples. :3 I'm dogsitting for my grandparents today... So I have their whole house (and fridge x3) to myself. And their dog. Their 5-lb dog. XD He's so teensy. His name's Scooter.
But my laptops's being dumb... If I unplug it it turns off. D: It's supposed to have a battery life of more than half a second. -.- Stupid school-issued computer! *shakes fist* Plus, it's Gateway, so if it has any issues, I'm outta luck, since Gateway died. *hmph*
I watched Horton Hears a Who last night... My grandparents have HBO OnDemand. >w< So it was free. I luv HBO OD... we used to have it, and that's how I saw Sweeney Todd. I looove Sweeney Todd. x3
Mommom's in the hospital. D: That's why I'm dogsitting, cuz she's not here and Poppop's at work all day. I think she said it's not serious... just tests. I think she said something about a biopsy... but I dunno what that is. -w-
Oh, I went to NYC the weekend before last. o: It was lotsa fun. :3 We got a free place to stay because a friend of my mom's lives there. XD We stayed for three days. I spent a lot of money... XD
I'm hungry and tired and bored. D: T^T
Wah... anyway, bye-bye everybody!! :3 *hugs*
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Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Soooo... RSRKingdomStars wanted to see my Riku stuff (and I wanna show it off x3), so I'm posting pics of all the stuff I got at Otakon. I unfortunately don't have my Riku plushie yet, but I will soon, and i'll post a pic then. :3
Cake earrings:

Kyo keychain:

Buttons and Sticker:

L print:

Riku print:

*nosebleed* >w< Wish I could draw/color like that... *le sigh*
Oh... forgot to take a picture of my death. D: I don't remember if I mentioned that or not... but I got a randomly generated death. XD I picked a piece of paper from a bucket to decide my death. I was killed by 1000 volts, my friend was killed by laser cats. XD
I'll take a pic of that and post it... if I remember/feel like it... XD
Ummm... not much else to say. I did a sketch of Takara today that I'll post or color and then post...
Yah... Nothing else. XD I'm gonna head to bed now...
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Monday, July 20, 2009
Uwah... I'm tired. T^T
So... Otakon was lotsa fun. :3 I ordered a KHII Riku plushie. x3 I also got a smexy Riku print, and adorable L print, a necklace like Sora's, an Axel sticker, a Kyo keychain, cake earrings, and several buttons (Axel, Zuko, Riku, Team Edward Elric, and Axel-and-Roxas-and-Riku-and-Sora). I get my plushie around Saturday. I'm so excited. >w<
I took tons of photos, too. Almost 200, I think. Owo There were a ton of Hetalia people and KH people. And I got a picture with an awesome Axel. x3 He was the only one actually taller than me... and I was in heels! XD He had a Roxas with him... I couldn't quite tell, but I think the Roxas was female. -w- (There were lotsa male characters that may have been female... most of the Rikus were female XD) It basically went like this...
Me: Axel! *fangirl* Can I take a picture with you??
Axel: Sure. What kind of picture?
Roxas: Oh, just do something sexy with her.
Me and Axel: ...
XD It was funny.
But I saw sadly few Yu Yu Hakusho and Fruits Basket characters. D: I saw a few Tohrus, but no one else... And only one group of YYH with Yusuke, Kuwabara, Hiei, Kurama, and Koenma. But they were the only ones...
SOOO many Hetalia peoples. XD There was an awesome France carrying around a rose and I got a good pic. And then I got a pic with him (tho I think he was a she, considering the girly purse she was carrying), but I'm taller than him, so it looked funny. XD And I saw a Chibitalia with a Holy Roman Empire. x3
And there was a baby dressed as Gaara!!! Cutest. Thing. EVER. x3 He was about two, I guess. He was walking around and looking all upset about something. XD He was following someone around, which I guess was his dad. And there was a little girl about his age dressed as someone from Bleach (dunno who, never seen that show) and she walked up to him and they were staring at each other. XD Cuuute.
Oh, and my favorite photos are from the Black Cat photo shoot we did. x3 My friend M was dressed as Eve, and we found a Train and got his number to meet up with him later, and then when we got lunch we found a Rinslet and she had another Eve with her, and we got their numbers, too. And when we all met up, Train (aka Dan) apparently called his girlfriend and told her to meet up with us too, and she was dressed as Saya! It was awesome. >w< Except we couldn't find a Sven. D: But the pictures were awesome. We got some group shots, some of just the girls, one of Rins and Train with money changing hands (XD), an AMAZING one of Train leaning up against this garage thing, Eve and Eve, Eve and Rins dancing, and some of Train and Saya in Saya's dying scene.
Also, we saw this guy that I think is from Hellsing, and M wanted a picture, because apparently he's a really tough guy, and he was eating salad, so it was funny. XD
There were so many awesome Organization XIII cosplayers. OwO I got each member at least once. >w< And one has Xigbar giving me bunny ears. XD Looove it. And I got a picture of a Sora and a Kairi being all lovey dovey and cute. >w<
Uh... I think I've rambled enough. -w- So, if you live within a relatively short distance of Baltimore, you should totally go to Otakon next year. *nodnodnod*
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Thursday, July 16, 2009
OMIGOODNESS. I disappeared. XD I don't even remember how long it's been since I've been on here... *le sigh*
BUT I'M BACK. 8D With lots of catching up to do, I'm sure. XD
...You all didn't forget me, did you?? D:
Anywho, I'll be at Otakon this weekend. :3 Anyone else gonna be there?
Short post cuz I dunno what else to blather on about. =3=
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Thursday, January 15, 2009
Random title... XD
Awww, my puppy is lying down on top of my legs... He's the cutest little thing EVERRRRRRR. >w<
Anywho, I had my last two exams today!! HUZZAH!!!!! 8D Math and Spanish. I'm in honors geometry, but I've taken geometry before, so it's pretty easy. :3 My teacher pretty much sucks tho... so if I hadn't taken it before, I'd have no clue what was going on. *shrugs* Also, I passed the geometry entrance exam way back in 8th grade when I first applied to my school, so I don't have to take geometry... but I wouldn't be able to skip ahead to trig. I'd just get off mods... but I'd still have to take the geometry midterm and final, so I'm just taking the course. XD
Spanish is pretty easy, I think.... not much to comment on there. XD
Did I already post about my spiffy new phone that I got for my birthday?? I think I did... it's a Sprint Rant. :3 It has a nifty little keyboard that slides out... @w@
But I dun think I posted about what happened just before I got my phone. XD I tried to call my grandparents on my old [S]craptastic[/S] phone, and it said that the call couldn't go through because this phone was no longer registered or something............... so I told my parents about that, and they pretended not to know what was going on. So I was trying to figure out what was wrong with my phone for, like, half an hour, and then my dad pointed to a box on the ground next to the chair I'd been sitting in.
Turns out, it was a new phone. XD
So yus...
FOUR DAY WEEKEND!!!!!!!!! 8D Squee!!!!
Awww, Jakey-boy (my dog) moved off of my legs... T^T He likes my dad better than me... XD
Ya know what movie I really wanna see?? Coraline. :3 It looks good.
Wow, that was a lot of dots... @w@
My dad's watching some sort of sports thingy, and some guy had a poster in the background that had a funny quote:
"As I said before, I never repeat myself."
XD I love irony...
I gots nothin' else to ramble about. :3 Laterz......... *huggles*
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Tuesday, January 13, 2009
More birthday-ness
We went out to dinner, and then we had cake and got my presents. :3 We went to Olive Tree... I got this stuff called Chicken Sortimbocca (or something... XD) and it was GOOD. X3 And they gave me free cake cuz it's my birthday. o:
And then just a little while ago we had cake and I opened my presents. Earlier I had gotten a new cell phone. 'Tis AWESOME. >w< A Sprint Rant. It has a little keyboard that flips out... o:
I also got two charms for my Pandora bracelet, and then I got....
PRISMACOLORS!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8D I WAS SO EXCITED!!!!!!!! 120 of them!!!!!!!!! *hyperventilates* I can't wait to use them........... X3
Uh, yeah... just wanted to say that. XD
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'Tis Mandi's birthday!!!! I ish 16 now. X3 I'm getting old...
So yah... I also had exams today. >_< Religion and chemistry. Religion was SO EASY... it's impossible to fail religion. All you have to do is pay attention and turn your work in. Chem was easier than I expected, but still rather difficult...
I think I did fairly well on both. :3
Tomorrow is English and AP Euro... *starts hyperventilating* NUUU!!!
Then Thursday is... math and... *can't remember* Oh, and Spanish.
I dunno what else to post... Nothing interesting has happened lately...
OH!! Sunday I went to see a musical called Romance/Romance. It was really cute. X3 I loved the music. 'Twas very good. :3
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Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Lookie lookie...
I'm a changeling, apparently...

What type of Fae are you?
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Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Squee! :3
Wow, I haven't posted in months. -w-
I have exams next week... T^T And the first exam is on my birthday!!! Next Tuesday, January 13... *coughmandilovesgiftscough* *shifty eyes*
Anywho, guess what I learned in AP Euro today? Apparently this Christian school around my county teaches that the world is 6,000 years old. ._. I go to Catholic school, but we still learn that the world is four and a half billion years old or whatever it is... Also, my teacher said he was talking to a teacher at that school, and asked how they deal with the evolution-vs-creationism issue. They said there is no issue. ._. So he asked how they'd explain the fact that carbon dating says how old the earth is, and they said it's bad science. So he asked how they explain the fact that dinosaur and human fossils are not in the same rock layers, and they said it's bad science. ._.
I'm not saying anything bad about religion!!! D: I'm just saying that I don't believe that the earth is 6000 years old.....
But yeah.
I'm watching the Biggest Loser right now... It's crazy how people can let themselves go like that. But I think it's great how they're trying to turn their lives around and be healthy. :3
I dunno what else to blab about... XD
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