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myOtaku.com: Mew Wem

Friday, May 6, 2005

"I want to go home, I want to get as stoned as possible"
Not that I'd ever say that mind you. I'm just watching some new episodes of something called "Brat Camp" where a group of English teenage delinquents are sent to far off America and are dumped in the middle of nowhere to be broken down and rebuilt as law-abiding citizens. It's just one of those shows that indulge my desire for psychological knowledge ^_^ Unfortunately this time there was no cute English guy with an equally cute English accent that was completely worth spending an hour every week to see his rehabilitation.

Anyway, where have I been this week? I suppose busy, obviously or I would've at least visited everyone everyday if I didn't update. Actually I spent a great deal of time trying to fight my hand for control. The right hand rebelled during my four classes of English assessment and wrote what the teacher described as "an interesting perspective" on my paper. The basic point of the paper was that despite the short term costs of beauty that beauty therapists/beauticians/plastic surgeons are actually good people that affect our society in a positive fashion.

Damn you right hand, damn you for writing without my permission!!!

Wednesday after school was nothing short of a debacle. So bad that I was incapable of feeling miserable and could only use my whiney and irritating Kiwi accent in a whiney and irritating ways. What in fact had happened is that my team. MY TEAM.. I the Captain of MY BADMINTON TEAM; THE 2nd best team in the school, am formally notifying the public that we lost the first game of the year.

Okay, that was putting it nicely. Next I will put it truthfully.

We flipping mopped the floor, as in the opposition used us to mop the floor, as in we lost every single one of the 8 matches in the game scoring as little as zero points out of 15 per match. Needless to say it was painful but fortunately I suffered only minor physical injuries.. nothing big, just slightly over worked muscles. It's just that my ego is feeling so guttered it had wished it had never known what it meant to feel inflatedly good about itself. *sigh*.

And my only other mild problem was having an itchy, swollen, sore-ish eye-lid. I have no idea why though, I thought maybe a mosquito bit my eye but then again it's too cold for mosquitos and if indeed it was a mosquito then I should've been struck more than once. After all it is a well known fact that in an enclosed space i.e. my room, mosquitos have nowhere to lay their devil spawn and thus keep on feeding on their victim. Never mind, I'm rambling.

Good news though, every weekend til March next year I get to text my fellow Vodafone users for free.. FOR FREE! The bonus about it being free is that I only text in emergencies n_n which means my total mobile phone bill is cut down even further. Ha!! This is better than that lame (for me at least) $10 for 500 text a month the Telecomer's are using >=^D

Anyway, I gotta dash.. promise I will visit you guys later ^^

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