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myOtaku.com: Mew Wem

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Would you like your tea party in Chinese or Englosh?
For one thing, there was no tea at the so-called tea party I was at. It made me feel indignant. Not so much the fact that I wanted to drink tea, it's the fact that I expected to have tea available.

The movie, wasn't much of a movie and as the presentation started there was an option to have either "Chinese subtitles" or "Englosh subtitles". I hoped they picked "Englosh" since I figured I might half way understand the words despite the high possibility that all of the i's could be replaced with o's.

They picked Englosh however my assumption taht I would half way understand it was wrong.

And since I'm still very confused bout the tea party I attended which lacked tea and had an Englosh movie I'll just show you guys some pictures.

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Okay, so I can't remember which picture is which but one of them has a models from the game Star Craft. A Terran Marine and his buddy Zerg Hydralisk. The SD gundam isn't a part of the group but hey, I couldn't find the rest of the gang.

The other photo should have a bluetack dragon I made one day. Yes I was a very bored person with a lot of time on my hands. Also the toothbrush there is just to give you an idea how big it is.
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Here's the best part.
~ ~

~~~so scary..
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Let's just say, I'm not very good at working a camera in the dark without my glasses :P

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