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myOtaku.com: Mercury Dragon

Thursday, September 20, 2007

   Such A Lonely Day....
Well, I decided to change my background. Again. 'Tis now the deranged angel ROSIEL! I'm so happy bout that!

Sometime this weekend, me and Mantha are going to see Superbad. We get in for free because our college gave anyone who took a yearbook picture yesterday a free ticket. Then on Wednesday, my CI class is meeting at our teacher's house for pizza, and then we're going to see the new Beatles musical, Across the Univers! I'm so psyched! I wanna see that movie so bad!

Well, I'm starting back on my old story, Keeper of the Innocent. I'm gonna go back and type what I have written on my computer, and while I'm doing that, I'm gonna revamp it. Hehe..."revamp"...Sorry for that little pun...

Oh! I got to try tofu the other day! Jien, a guy in my CI and Comp 1 class, sat with me and Mantha at lunch, and he had this tofu stir-fry stuff, and he asked me if I'd ever tried tofu before. I said no, and he offered me a piece. It was really good!

Well, no poem today. No video, either. Enjoy the emptiness!

¤~~So while you're outside looking in, describing what you see, remember what you're staring at is me~~¤

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