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myOtaku.com: mentaru

Saturday, December 4, 2004

Anime Birthday Special Post: Asuka Langley and Muraki Kazutaka
Ooh, a double birthday day!! ^__^ YAY!! Today it's both Asuka from Neon Genesis: Evangelion and Muraki Kazutaka from Yami no Matsuei. (BUT I DON'T LIKE MURAKI, SO I'M NOT GOING TO SING OR CELEBRATE FOR HIM! >_<)

I like Asuka. She's actually a cool female. Amazing, ne? Yeah. Anyway, let's sing!!

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday dear Asukaaaaaa [AND NOT MURAKI!!]!!
Happy birthday to you!

And many more!!!

Yay for Asuka! (And NOT Muraki, because of what he did to poor little kawaii "I'm-in-love-with-Tsuzuki-I-just-don't-want-to-admit-it" Hisoka!!)

And, let's see... can't make much of a list, but I shall anyway. ^_^

Don't forget to:
1. Wish Asuka (and NOT Muraki) a happy birthday
2. Give her a present
3. Glomp her (Well, I don't think she'd be very happy if you glomped her unless you are a guy, so glomp her at your own risk.)
4. Read any Asuka pairing fanfiction! ^_^

Now, go off I say! And follow the Almight Don't-forget-to-do List of DOOM!! (And remember, DON'T WISH MURAKI A HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! HE DOESN'T DESERVE IT!! *cries* Poor Hisoka!!! T__T)

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