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myOtaku.com: Marik2112

Friday, October 29, 2004

   Survey Says...
I am not responsible for what this survey says. My Yami made me take it...

You Know It's All About You (Over 100 Questions)

Created by niney123 and taken 4630 times on bzoink!

.:General Info:.
Name:Laura Ishtar
Birthday:January 5, 1991
Hair Color:S*** Brown
Describe yourself in one word:Weird
Describe your personality in one word:Different
.:School Life:.
What grade are you in:8th
What school do you go to:SJRA
And where is that:In the town I live...
Do you get good grades:All but in Math, which I suck royally at...
Favorite Subject:Music or art...
.:Love Life:.
Sexual Preference:What?
Do you have a bf/gf:Maybe...
If so,what is their name:.....
How long have you been dating:......
Do you consider yourself in love with them:.....
If so,why:.....
Have you had your first kiss:Oh, how I wish...
If so,when:Never...
Do you have a crush:Yes...
If so,what is their name:Nunya'.
Why do you like them:He's cute and understands me...
Do they know you:Yes.
Do they know that you like them:Yes.
How long have you known them:Since 4th grade.
Best Friend(s):Brian, Clark, Bryce, Jess, Emma, Amanda, Sean, Kim, Melissa, Sessh, Vash, Zack....I have a list...
How long have you been friends:Some a long while and some a year or so....
Do you consider yourself a good friend:Some.
How many friends do you think you have:Dunno. You'd have to ask them.
Most popular:AGH!!! I HATE JENESSA!!!! >.<
Most conceited:JENESSA.
Friendliest:....errrrr.....my group of buds I've known so long (You know who you are...)
Meanest:Mario, who thank Ra graduated last year...
Prettiest:Um....I'm not the person to be asking that...
Craziest:Me...or Brian or Amanda.
Youngest:Not sure...
Most recent:Zack
Smartest:Um...Brian or Vash.
Show:YU-GI-OH!!!!....and Megas XLR
Letter:MARIK!!! All five....
Song:2112 or Overlap...or Eyes or Numb....
Band/Singer:Rush and LP....Rush is better.
Place in the world:Japan, Egypt and Toronto.
Season:Winter. I like snow.
Dream Vacation:Japan. Tokyo, preferably. Or Egypt.
Dream House:Somewhere with Marik...in Egypt.
Dream Room:A room with a naked Marik statue I could sit before--er....I dunno ^^"
.:Last Time You:.I what?
Watched T.V.:Half an hour ago....maybe....
Went to the bathroom:WTF....Why do you care????
Ate:Couple hours...mmmm, cheese....
Slept:This morning...and almost in class today....for the love of Ra, shut up, teach....-_-
Listened to music:Today...or yesterday...
Used the phone:A few hours ago to my Daddy^^
IMed someone/Got an IM:Last night....
Went to school:2day
Played a game:2day....Name That Beard, heh....
Took a shower:This afternoon after the Halloween party....
Hugged someone:2day
Went on a date:Never....V_V
Wrote a letter:Bout a month ago.
Cried:A few days ago...but I cry on the inside a lot. You tell no one I said that.
.:Last Person You:.
Hugged:My Mom ^^
Kissed:*Thinks of Marik* No one....*Goes and cries*
Laughed at:Sean. Teasingly. Muahahaha.
Cried over:Marik. or my cat....I miss him....V_V
IMed/Got an IM from:Vash
Hurt:Dunno. I never know if I hurt people or not. You can get hurt and not show it....feelings can suck sometimes.
Talked to:My mom.
Spoke to on the phone:Daddy^^
Ate with:Mom
Spent time with:Mom
Missed:Brian and my old friends....
Heard:Geddy Lee....muahahahaha....
Played with:My bud Cotton from down the street...
.:Have You Ever:.
Been out of the country:Yes
Been out of state/province:Yes
Done drugs:No.
Done anything illegal:Um, yes and no....
Slapped someone:Yes
Cut yourself:Yes
Played an instrument:Yes
Hurt someone for no reason:....yes V_V
Hurt someone:yes
Killed an insect/bug:yes, but I don't like to...unless it's ants, and I regret it later...
Gotten stung by a bee:yes
Lied to your parents:yes
Stole Something:yeah, but it's playful, I give stuff back.
Kissed Someone:*Thinks of Marik* No....*Goes and cries again*
.:This Or That:.
Rock or Rap:Rock!!!!
Singing or Songwriting:Songwriting!!!
Tennis Shoes or Sandals:Sandals
Phone or Computer:Both.
Biking or Skating:Skating.
Analog or Digital:Digital.
Coke or Pepsi:Both.depends on my mood...
Sprite or Sierra Mist:Sprite.
MTV or VH1:VH1, people...
R&B or Country:Country
Cingular or T-Mobile:What?
Cats or Dogs:cats^^
AIM or Yahoo:MSN is better than both...but AIM....
Bzoink or Quizilla:Both.
.:Word Association:.
Good Charlotte:Billy
Ravioli:Give me the formuoli.
President Bush:Death
Calendar:Yu-Gi-Oh! Calendar....with that oh-so-sweet picture of marik on it....ggggghhhhhh *Sits in front of calendar and drools*
Evil:Yami marik
.:Right Now:
Eating:Nada. I'm hungry.
Drinking:Spit. Who wants to know?
Watching:The screen...?
What is on your mousepad:Rush 2112
What are you doing:Sitting here answering these dumb questions for no specific reason...
What song are you listening to:nothing. But I was...
What's in your CD player:Air.
Wearing:part of my Marik costume...
Time:9:58 pm
Day of the Month:Um...Friday...?
Day of the week:Friday. Now I'm sure.
What website are you on:This one, stupid.
.:Random Things:.
What color is your mousepad:Colors of Rush's 2112 color...?
What color is your keyboard:Black....with white letters^^
What is the phrase you use the most online:Later!!
Did you like this survey:Yup^^
Are you sad that it's over:A bit..
What are you gonna do after this survey is over:Go back to doing other stuff.
Do you like pop-up ads:HELL NO!!!! Who wants to see some chick's butt...?
How long have you been online:Dunno.

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