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myOtaku.com: lunarJ

Tuesday, March 7, 2006

Kagome says, “It all started when Naraku lost Kanna, the last of his minions. He then assembled a new…” she trails off. J says, “What’s wrong?” She says, “It’s this recap. There’s stuff in here that my character doesn’t know.” J puts his hand on his forehead and sighs, “That’s not the point Kagome. Just sound like Moneca Stori, and read the script.” Kagome says, “But…” J cuts her off, “No buts; just do it.” It’s Kagome’s turn to sigh. She continues, “He assembled a new group of minions; seven of them… *cough*copycat*cough*.” J says, “For your information, I came up with each of those characters before I ever heard the term Band of Seven. Now read the script, or there will be consequences.” She continues, again, “Naraku assembled a group of seven minions, some were incarnations, some weren’t. When the dust had settled from their emergence, we had three new enemies to deal with in the long run; Tattoimaru, Da-ku, and Kyoubou. Kyoubou is a male demon of Kirara’s species, he seemed to be an alright demon; but a jewel shard in his shoulder ensured his loyalty to Naraku. Da-ku is my own evil twin, she’s an incarnation of Naraku, and his lover as well. Finally, Tattoimaru is a human child who dreams of becoming Naraku’s son by offering himself to the demons as the bandit Onigumo once did. Recently, Kirara managed to free Kyoubou from Tattoimaru’s evil grasp; and he’s traveling with us, for the moment at least. Meanwhile, a power struggle has been underway between Da-ku and Tattoimaru as they both vie for Naraku’s favor. It seemed that the heartless monster had actually fallen in love with Da-ku; but it was all a setup. Now, he has cast her out and set about the task of creating a demon body for his son. As Da-ku hurried to confront me; Tattoimaru set out in search of the last demon he wanted to serve in his new body: Shippo. On the way, he encountered Sesshomaru who seems to have some past connection with the boy’s demon-hammer, the Taiyou. After a short battle in which neither one showed any real advantage, Tattoimaru left while telling Sesshomaru that if he wanted to know more about him, he might try asking his brother. Tattoimaru then abducted Shippo and sped back to Naraku’s lair. The entire group, with the unexpected addition of Koga set out to rescue him, only to be confronted by Da-ku along the way. Inuyasha, who was rendered useless by the beads of subjugation which Da-ku could also activate, and I stayed behind to deal with her; while the others went after Shippo.” Dramatic music, “…and, cut. Ok, that’ll do.” Kagome says, “You know, the recaps on the show are usually a lot more concise.” J says, “Yes, well, they’re covering a lot less ground. Now be quite and let me post.” She says, “Well of all the ungrateful, rude, selfish…” I figure you get the picture. I hope this recap helped.

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