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Tuesday, October 3, 2006

The drama has settled for now...
Well atleast most of it... But I dont wanna get into that... it'd take too long and be too... pointless

But yea, so homecoming was amazing. I ended up going with Chris. He's a lot of fun at dances...
Oh, and the funniest thing happened... So on Friday a bunch of us went to the Homecoming game, including Phil, the guy i was planning on going to the dance with but then he asked someone else. And while we're there, he comes up to me and Sami and goes "yea, so my date for homecoming apparenlty broke her leg and can't go" I felt bad for the poor kid, but I couldn't stop laughing. It was so priceless - that kinda shit never happens.
Before the dance, I went and got my hair cut. It's basically a bob... a lot shorter than i've ever had it, but it looks good. And at the dance, I was next to Alex for about 20 minutes, and he kept looking over at me but didnt say anything, so I thought he was mad, upset, etc. so I didnt say anything to him either. Well I get home and talk to him online and he goes "Where were you? I never saw you!" I then went on to explain to him that he'd been right next to me for a while and so on and so forth.... He didnt remember that part. But then I started talking about my hair, and he goes "Ooooo, were u the girl in the blue dress? I didnt recognize you" ... Yea that was pretty amusing. And thats about it for the dance

.... Tomorow I'm going on what is known as "junior retreat" with school. You go based on your homeroom (we call it 'community'), and they bus you to nowheresville Maryland, and you stay there from Wednesday til Friday. I'm really excited, cuz its supposed to be the 'best experience of your life' and a lot of other stuff... But I hafta miss 3 days of school... And my classes are far from easy. So I'm gonna have a shitload of work to make up when I get back, but luckily, this weekend is a 3 day weekend because of Columbus day. yay.
Well Thats about it for now, so Hopefully I'll remember to post after retreat and let everyone know how it was

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Sunday, September 24, 2006

Y'know, I've heard that junior year of high school's supposed to be the hardest, yet the best year of your life. So far, it's been the craziest, and most fit for a soap opera.

So Homecoming's this saturday, and I was 100% sure that I'd have a date, even though I didn't know exactly who'd I be going with. I'd asked Phil, and he said he wasn't sure if he was going, so I asked Alex if he'd go with me if things with Phil fell through, and he said he definately would. Then Siri and Alex ended up in a huge fight, worse than what usually happens, which resulted in Alex being nearly expelled from school for pretty much no reason. But yea, then there was a party at Darryl's on Fridy night, and Siri and Alex were both there. Nothing big happened between them, but there was this huge conflict over something else that ended up involving Siri, Alex, Jon and Jon's ex girlfriend Anh. Another completely pointless fight that ended horribly...

But right, so today I call Phil to ask him what's going on with Homecoming. He says he going. I ask him if he's going with me or alone. He says he told someone else he'd go with them. That pissed me off... I'd asked him early last week... and yea... I tink you can fill in the blanks. So then I talk to Alex online and let him know what's going on. And long story short, he's decided that it'd be best if we didn't go together because of what's happened with Siri seeing as me and her are really good friends... So yea... I have no clue what I'm gonna do for homecoming now... Cuz I dont wanna go alone seeing as all my friends have dates, and that might be awkward.

But yea, now onto a more optimistic topic. Went to the Family Values Tour on Sept. 17. Fucking AMAZING. I saw Walls of Jericho, Bullets and Octane, 10 Years, Dir En Grey, StoneSour, FlyLeaf and Korn... and I think I'm forgetting one... But yea I went with Danilo, Christina and my mom, and we met up with my mom's boyfriend Smoky and his son William once we were there. So, while we were walking around before the show, we saw this guy we know from school, Tim. His friend was supposed to come with him, but he couldn't, so Tim gave us the extra pit ticket (we had lawn seats). So, we couldn't decide which one of us should take the ticket, so in the end, my mom ended up going in the pit with Smoky and William cuz they had pit tickets...
Yea, that was funny, She called me after the Deftones (that's who i forgot....) played and was just like "I thought I was going to die. They all started jumping, and that was it" But she made it out alive, so its all good.
But yea, so Me Christina and Danilo ended up sitting next to and eventually talking to these two seniors from our school. They were pretty cool. I would ask the one who was talking to us most to Homecoming, but he has a girlfriend...

But right, so, the concert itself. Walls of Jericho weren't my favorite... Bullets and Octane were really good, and the lead singer was hilarious, 10 years is great- i've seen them live before. Then Dir En Grey. I'd actuall never heard anything by them before, Man, they were CRAZY. I couldn't believe that such a heavy voice was coming out of such a tiny guy. Then the lead singer was thrashing around so much, he knocked himself over, and just kept going at it while lying on the stage - it looked like he was having a seizure. Flyleaf played after them. They were really good too. I just wish that I'd heard more by them prior to the concert. And then Stonesour. That was good too. The Deftones were another crazy band, but once again, I hadn't heard much by them. And then the headliner, Korn, who we were there for. I really had forgotten just how good they are live. Yea, its inexplicable. Everyone should make it a life goal to see Korn live, unless you have something against them...

But yea, I'm gonna go get started on homework and I'll post sometime in the future

O, and PS- Sebastien you need to leave a comment and tell me its you, cuz I dont have ur username

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Sunday, September 3, 2006

I guess I've made it a habit of only posting here once a month... But its all good.

Christina lived here for ten days cuz their family car broke down, so she had no way to get to and from school until they got it fixed. So she stayed here. It was awesome.

And then last night me, Christina, my mom, my mom's boyfriend Smoky, and Smoky's son William went to the Godsmack/Rob Zombie/ Shinedown concert. It was amazing. Just... inexplicably amazing. I wish Shinedown had played a longer set though, cuz they were really good.
And Rob Zombie was incredible - he's so energetic on stage and really interacts with the crowd. When he played "More Human Than Human" they had this huge robot come onstage and walk around and it had blinking green eyes... And they played "Sandman" by Metallica. It was pretty much the same as Metallica's version, they just played it faster.
Right, then Godsmack was the headliner. They didnt play as many songs as I was expecting cuz they would go off on 5-10 minute guitar pieces randomly. But yea, the highlight of their set was when, after one song, the drumset started moving across the stage, then the back of the stage opened up, and another drum set came off with the lead singer playing it. So they had a sort of drum off. That was really entertaining.

Yea, more happened the in the past month, but I think that that was the only thing worth posting.
So I'll post again sometime in the near future

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Sunday, August 6, 2006

Wow I haven't posted on here in..... a long ass time.

Nothing really earth-shattering has happened. Just a lot of little things... Saw some people I hadn't seen in a while and found some old friends on myspace... stayed up til 4 AM watching StrongBad emails on homestarrunner.com... got a job... got my learners permit... adopted Christina for a couple of weekends...

Yea, I got a job at the stables cuz one of the people who works mornings sunday through friday died... we're not sure why. So now theres about 5 people working different days cuz it'd be ridiculous to have 1 or 2 teenage girls working everyday cuz it gets tiring having to get up at 5 every morning to get the barn by 6, then hafta feed horses, muck stalls, then deal with the kids in camp for 6 hours... not fun. But its nice getting home by 12 30 and being able to sleep the afternoon away.

Yea, I'd write more but then I'd end up writing too much.... and I hafta get through 600 pgs of summer reading in 2 or 3 weeks... and I dont read very fast...

But as a closing note, everyone should go buy themselves Bawls. Its an energy drink, and its amazing. And the name is seriously amusing after you're hyped up on caffeine and sugar

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Saturday, July 1, 2006

Yea man, the beach was CRAZY FUN. We had a lot of ppl staying in a pretty small condo, so me and Tina ended up without a room. We slept on the couches. But the first night there, we got bored, so we went into the guys' (my cousin James and his friend Paul) room and just chilled there cuz they went on a walk or something like that. SO they come back and hang with us for a while, then they were like yea you guys need to leave cuz we're tired. And this was at 11 PM, so me and Tina couldn't have been less tired, so we stayed in there bothering them, and then around 1 AM, Paul decides he's gonna carry me out of the room. Well he ended up just grabbing my ankles and dragging me off the bed and across the carpet. But, being the smart pot head that he is, he tripped over a speck of dust (which I am an expert at, by the way) and crashes into the closet door which just happens to be a mirror. Nothing broke (that time), but it was funny shit.
Then the next night, me and Tina were just watchin TV and everyone else was in their rooms. Around midnight we heard this crash from James and Paul's room, so we knocked on their door, and James opened it and just goes "yea Paul broke the lamp" and Paul's in the room Going "close the goddamned door! Dont let your parents know!" The morning after, I was in the ocean with them and they told me that first, Paul had been trying to walk to his bed in the dark, and he tripped over James's portable DVD player's cord and fell into the lamp, which messed it up a bit. And later he had gotten mad at James over something, and threw a shoe at him, but missed and hit the lamp, which put a huge crack in it.

And spending a week with Paul has added the phrases "Hey dough" and "Like you dont even know" to my everyday conversational vocabulary. I miss hanging with those guys

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Thursday, June 15, 2006

Wow... wow.... Dumb people piss me off...

But yea, other than that I've been pretty good. I went to Cathy's today. We sat around watching TV for a while, then we went to see The Omen. That was actually really good. It didn't scare me all that bad which was surprising because I don't watch horror movies because they really freak me out.

Tom's leaving for Africa on Saturday... which is why we're going on break... Cuz he'll be there for 2 weeks, which means absolutely no contact with him for those 2 weeks, then he comes back for a week or two then leaves again for camp, which is for 4 weeks, and once again, means no contact with him for those 4 weeks. So yea, hopefully that works out, but I'm not really counting on anything.

And on tomorow Christina and probably Cathy are coming over for the day, then we're going to Darryl's house for a party and Christina's gonna spend the night. Then me, her, my mom, my cousin and his friend and my aunt and uncle are going to the beach on Sunday. We were supoosed to leave on Saturday which is why Christina is staying over tomorow, but the people who own the place we stay at decided to stay an extra day. And then they're gonna go up a few days early too, so they kinda cut our week to 5 days, which sucks, but my mom's trying to find us a hotel to stay in for two nights.

And now I'm really hyper. And I dont know why, cuz I'm listening to the Red Hot Chili Peppers, which usually makes me really mellow.
Ah well, I'm gonna go find a way to de-hyper myself...

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Wednesday, June 7, 2006

Yea so I havent posted in a while...
Nothing really big happened either, which is a nice change. I went to the movies yesterday with Siri Christina and Jon, and me, Christina and Jon got the new AFI CD!!! It's amazing, I'm listening to it now... you should go get it. Unless you have something against AFI... then jsut kinda disregard the last couple sentences.
But yea, so after we got the CD we went and saw X Men 3. That was amazing too...

Holy shit it's summer. YAY!!! Yea, my exams went pretty well. I did a lot better on the Chemistry than I thought. Haha, the day before the religion/history exams (I only took religion cuz I had to take the history early) Christina had been at Siri's cuz they're in the same history class and Siri needed help studying. But yea, so Christina lives pretty damn far away, and her mom couldn't come get her, so she walked up to my house and spent the night. So we finally went to sleep around 4 30 AM, and had to get up at 6 30 AM for the exams... Plus neither of us studied for shit, so I learned everything i needed to know for religion in about 10 minutes before the exam. Go me.

But yea so after the religion exam I met up with Tom and Darryl who didn't have history exams either, and we walked to Chicken Basket which is right by the school, and yea, they opened early just for the 3 of us. It was pretty cool. So yea, we're sitting there and Darryl goes "yea man if I were a teacher I would just mess with the kids' minds. I'd give out a test and be like True or False... YOU'RE ALL WRONG! I'M HIGH!" And then he was like "I can't see!!! OPIUM!!!" It was hilarious

So yea, thats a brief synopsis os my past week...
How was yours?

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Sunday, May 21, 2006

Aaahhh, Chili Cookoff was amazing. We saw Everyone but Pete, a local band who won a contest to open the show, Rude Buddha, another local band who won the same contest last year, Tonic and The Bloodhound Gang. There were 3 more bands after that, but they were Hoobastank, Better Than Ezra and Smash-up Derby, who we really didn't care about, and we were insanely thirsty and it would take literally 2 hours to get something to drink inside the venue, so we just left.
But yea, Everyone but Pete were pretty good, but things got really insane and fun when Rude Buddha (I dont think I'm spelling that right, but you'll have to deal with it) came on. The lead singer really reminded me of Billy Joe Armstrong from Green Day. But yea, during their set, it hadn't gotten really crowded yet, so there were a lot of gaps in the crowd, which doesn't mix well with crowd surfers.... I got kicked in the head a few times, a guy landed on me, and some girl landed on me, and pretty much everyone in our group had people land on them... but once Tonic started playing, the gaps had filled in so that didn't happen so often.
And some guy in a wheelchair went crowd surfing. That was pretty cool.

But yea, that's all I have to say for now...

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Friday, May 19, 2006

Yea I kinda haven't been around again this week... My bad.

Yea lots of drama... again. But today wasn't that bad... Just a lot of people with a lot of problems, but it was better than the last few weeks.

So yea, DC 101 Chili Cookoff tomorow in DC with Tom, Siri and Sebastien. Hopefully that goes well. The only thing I'm worried about is Siri being a dumbass/a pain in the ass... But yea... wow Jon just called my computer a senior citizen and I'm not sure why...

So yea I'm hungry and tired so I'm gonna go to bed...

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Monday, May 8, 2006

So, um, I was trying to prove that my friend's pocket knife is too dull to actually cut someone with... and yea, that didn't work out so well

So now I have a nice slit on top of my thumb.... oops

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