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Wednesday, September 22, 2004

I got a pic from my date! You can see it here: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/10810079/
Hope you like! ^^

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Tuesday, September 21, 2004

   Bad Day (Thus far that is)
Last night and today have been so bad thus far! Yesterday I got a marjor dizzy spell that drained me of energy (I've been getting them since 7th grade), so I didn't end up going to Family Home Evening. I did force myself to go to scripture study last night though at 9:00.

While I was at home from FHE, I was also waiting for a call from a doctor who was supposed to be giving me a test today to figure out where the dizzy spells come from, but of course he didn't call back.

Then this morning I woke up dizzy and drained of energy, but I went to my 8:00 class anyway and spent most of the class in a fog wanting to throw up.

Then because the doctor didn't call I had to cancel my ride then call a teacher who wanted me to take the doctor's test before her lab and explain that I couldn't take it yet. She was kind though and agreed to excuse me from the lab until I could take the doctor's test. That is the only good thing that has happened thus far.

I'm feeling a bit better now, but I just wish I could sleep the day away right now. Well I better go before I miss my next class! ^^ Talk to you later.

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Monday, September 20, 2004

   College Date!!!!!
Hey everybody!

You'll never believe it! I went on my first college date on Friday! ^^ I had so much fun. It was to the set up your roommate dance, so it was a blind date, but it was still a lot of fun! ^^ The guy is from Pennsylvania. About a 1/2 hour from Gettysburg. He's also like a week younger then me. He was really nice and sweet. A gentleman all the way! It was also the first time that I was at a dance the whole time which is also rather amazing. ^^ I think we both had fun. The dance had the theme of a 70's dance so I kind of Dressed like Donna from That 70's Show. I wore the bowling shirt I got last Christmas with black pants and my brother's old hiking sandals. You could say that he dressed like Eric too, but he's never seen the show and he didn't actually dress to the theme. The dance was over at midnight so afterwards we all (I went with a big group) stayed outside the dorm area and talked for an hour because boys aren't aloud in after 11:00. He and I talked about a lot of stuff. I told him about why I want to be a teacher. When I explained to him how guide dogs helped with that decision...If only you could have seen what I saw. He was so kind and had that sweetest smile on his face! I also told him this Scottish snail joke and made him laugh. The interesting thing was that he said that it's very hard to make him laugh from a joke, but that he really liked that one. ^^ I want to go on another date with him, but I worry that he doesn't feel the same way. He invited me to scripture study and I invited him to come watch a movie sometime (his fav. Disney one is Lilo and Stich), but I'm still not sure. He called yesterday to see if we could work on homework together, but I was out. When I came home and finally got his number, and called, he was asleep. I haven't heard anything back yet. Still, I'm glad I went on the blind date. ^^ I had a good time.

Do you know what's bad is though? The next day my Mom and Dad called to check up on how I was doing, and when I reminded Mom about the date she told Dad and he started asking her these questions to her to ask me, and I can hear him the whole time and he finally goes, "Did he kiss her?" and Mom says, "I'm not going to ask her that!" Then Dad says louder, "Did he kiss you?" I was blushing by now, even if they couldn't see me, but I quickly said (maybe I said it too quickly too...) "He gave me hug." Mom tells Dad and he seems statisfied and lets the subject go. All I can say is that it was rather embarrassing! *^^* >
Oh! The reason I was out yesterday was that I went mini golfing with some other friends. Two other people and I won free golf passes so we and 5 others went golfing yesterday. That was a lot of fun too! It gave me the break I needed after going on a field trip on thurs. and fri. to Cratters of the Moon. That's a volcanic area with a lot of lava flow. We even went inside a cave that was actually a lava tube. It was cool, but I kept tripping because I couldn't see, so this guy next to me gave me his hand for support. Never did find out who it was because none of the flash lights ever showed his face. *^^* It was fun though. Very beautiful!

Well, better go. Talk to you later!

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Sunday, September 12, 2004

Even the most boring day can be good in the end...
There was ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do today!!!!! I was SOOOOOOOO bored!!!!! After I did my weekend homework (only took like an hour), I decided that I had to do something. So what did I do you ask? I treated myself to a Rurouni Kenshin marathon of course! ^^ You see I recorded almost the WHOLE season about a year ago. Still haven't seen the ending though... *Is sad* T.T Anyway, I watched like half the season today. It made me feel a LOT better. That's also why I drew the pic of Kenshin today. Sorry people, but he's hot! I don't go for guys with long hair, but he pulls it off! And yes, I know he's an anime character. Come on it's not like I'm going to go make out with him or something! ^^; Anyway, that was my day. Just thought I'd let you know. I'm going to go take a shower now! ^^ Later
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Tuesday, August 31, 2004

   Official College Girl
I can't believe it! Today was my first day of College! It wasn't that big of a deal, but it means that I'm a college student. ME! *Shakes head* It's very hard to believe.
I have three classes today. That's it. A geology class, health class, and a religion class. That's both tues. and thurs. On mon. and wends. I have college wrighting, aerobics, and college algebra. I also have those classes on fri. but along with them I have a lab for geology. All, my classes are in the morning and that's great because it leaves my afternoon free for a job once I get it.
There are a LOT of cute boys here! I know it's silly, but it's just fun to look!
The weather here is great. It won't really get cold until like November so that's good. But still, it's a lot cooler then where I'm from, that's for sure! ^^ Well, So far I like here. I'll let you know if that changes though! ^^ Talk to you later!

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Monday, August 2, 2004

Home...For a While
Hey! ^^ I'm back from Girl's Camp! It was great, but I have to admit that I'm Glad to be where the I can see boys! ^^ It was great there. I was a cook/life guard. I stayed mostly as life guard. It was a lot of fun! On Tuesday two other life gaurds and me (there's 4 total) took three other adults out onto the lake in canoes to look at the stars. It was perfectly beautiful! I wish the sky were that clear back home! Anyway, I also helped with certification in astronomy for the 2nd and 4th years. That was also fun. The way got them to pay attention was by explaining how Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter has a conection to the stars. There's a constellation named Draco that's also known as the dragon or serpent, and what house is Draco in? Slyitherin, the serpent/snake house! After that they got pretty quiet hoping I would say other interesting things. It was awesome! I can't wait to become a teacher and experiance stuff like that everyday! ^^ I just love the Earth sciences!

Well, I leave for college in about three weeks. I can't wait, but then I can. You know? It's weird. I know I have to grow up, but at the same time I don't feel quite ready. Don't ask me to explain. Too complicated even for myself!

Well, I better go. Talk to you later!

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Saturday, July 24, 2004

Here and Gone Again
Well, I'm going to be gone for a week. I was asked last minute to go to girl's camp. They need me there to help when needed. Well, I'll talk to you when I get back! Until then, Later! ^^
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Friday, July 23, 2004

My trip to Scotland
Hey everybody! ^^

I thought that I should finally tell you how my vacation went! What do you think, hmm?

Well, we left on Tuesday and arrived on Wednesday. We flew into Amsterdam and from there went to Edinburgh. From there we took a train to Aberdeen. We stayed there for 5 days and saw Aboyne Castle, Drum Castle, Castle Fraser, Kennmore Cottage which was once owned by my g-g-g-grandfather along with what was once his general store, and the tombstones of both sets of g-g-g-grandparents on my dad’s side. We then went up to Inverness for 4 days where we saw Loch Ness (sorry no monster sighting from me), Castle Urquhart, Kildrummy Castle, a 5,000 year old civilization-runes and stone circle, the Orkney Islands, Sunken WWI/II Battleships, and other things I can’t think of at the moment. From there we went back down to Edinburgh for the remainder 5 days to see the Castle Edinburgh, underground catacombs, and Greyfriar’s Bobby bar along with the statue and tombstone of Greyfriar’s Bobby.

Well there’s the outline of the trip now onto the details of it. While in Aberdeen we went to the Aboyne Kirkyard where we found the tombstone of one set of my g-g-g-grandparents on my dad’s side. What’s interesting is that it has been renewed which means we definitely still have family over there. Only problem was we couldn’t find out who restored it. We also unknowingly found the Kirk where a set was married. It was a wonderful discovery. We also went to the Glen Taner Kirkyard where we found the tombstone of the other set of g-g-g-grandparents of my dad’s side. The thing I liked the most is when we found Kennmore Cottage and the old general store of g-g-g-grandfather Fraser. It was so interesting because the store is now an antique store and the owner let us look at the attic and gave us pieces of wood from crates that grandfather Fraser took apart and nailed to the wall for instillation in the winter. I think it was the best thing we brought back with us.

Inverness was where we saw Loch Ness. We went to the Loch Ness visitor center. It was rather interesting but then I like that sort of thing! ^^ While visiting Loch Ness we also went to Urquhart which is a ruins of a castle right on the Loch. It was so beautiful. So many interesting things to look at! We also went on a day tour to the Orkney Islands where we saw Skara Brae, the 5,000 year old town. It was so beautiful. It looked like a little Hobbit town except that there were no roofs and you could tell they were covered over at some point then unearthed. After Skara Brae the tour went onto we went to a stone circle 5,000 years old too. It’s like Stonehenge in that no one knows what it was used for. It was so beautiful! We got to walk straight up to it and even touch it. I touched 5,000 year old history! It’s almost unbelievable. We also visited the Italian Chapel. During WWII the Italian POW asked for somewhere to worship so the soldiers gave them Quonset huts put together. They made it into a beautiful site to behold. They also made a statue out of barbed wire and cement that was just lovely to behold. After the day tour we went to Kildrummy Castle. It was in ruins as well. The most gorgeous site in Scotland thus far. Oh, the chapel windows were still intact and so perfect looking to me. In the garden next to it there was this wedding reception. The ring bearer was so adorable in his little kilt! Couldn’t help but make one smile! ^^

Now we move on to Edinburgh. Oh the castle was the biggest one I had seen yet! We didn’t even see everything open to the public. We did make sure to see the royal honors though! If we weren’t allowed to take pictures in that room I would have taken one just to show you. The neatest thing was when we were waiting to go into the castle. There was this group of Korean people singing “How Great Thou Art” in Korean. You see my brother is there right now on a mission and how wonderful it was to hear that for me. It was just really special to me. At the castle we also saw the war memorial. Such wonderful sculptures and works of art in there! Oh and the view from the castle! AMAZING! Seriously! You wouldn’t believe it until you saw it! Another interesting thing there was what they call, “The Key to the Castle.” They present this key to the visiting monarch to represent that they can go anywhere they wish in the castle. Surrounding the key are little plaques saying the names of the visiting monarchs along with the dates of the visits. One of the plaques is for Queen Victoria. ^^ We also went down the Royal Mile. It’s kind of hard not to. It’s rather the only way to get to the Castle. ^^ The shops were quite interesting to look at! I got my two tartan skirts on that street. Oh, and at the castle I got my promise ring. It’s very spacial to me. It’s a band of Celtic knots. I’m to wear it until I am engaged or married. I can’t wait until that day comes. On the Royal Mile there was one of the Royal Churches of Scotland. It had the Thistle Chapel in it. A beautiful site indeed! The wood work was amazing!

All in all I can say that I would have regretted it if I hadn’t taken this trip. It was a dream come true. I hope I will be able to go there again someday! Thank you all for listening to my rambling. I hope you enjoyed it listening to it as much as I enjoyed reliving it by writing it down here. You guys are the best! ^^

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Friday, June 25, 2004

Had to put this up! Try it!!!!!!!!

what hogwarts studet likes likes you by ryuuichi
fave spell
who likes you:fred weasley
what he does about it:you fall asleep underneeth the tree in the grounds and he kisses you [not on the cheek]
what you do next:run away blushing furiously
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

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Vacation time for me! ^^
Hey everybody!

I'm going to be gone for two weeks starting Monday. My parents are taking me to Scotland as my graduation present! I'm so excited! I can't wait!!!! I'm going to Loch Ness, Castle Frasier, the underground dungeons of Edinbough (spelled right?), and so many other places! I'll get tons of pitures if you want to see them when I get back.

Well I'll talk to you all in two weeks! Later!

<3 Immer,

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