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myOtaku.com: Lie74

Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween!!
Happy Halloween! Greetings to all gouls, gobblens, witches, and Wisards, ravid anime fans of all ages. Well bummer I went to Hot Topic to get the head band. And they sold out! I was so pissed! I really was looking down. I went to tell Holly that I couldn't come but then she told me to go as something else. So I can home and went in serch of something. I'm going as a neko! I found my cat tail and cat ears from a long time ago so I'm just going to wear normal cloths draw on whiskers and have ears and a tail. I was kinda dissapointed that I could be Hinata though. *sighs*

How could I forget my really cool banner I made you all!

^_^ I made it my self. I know it's all orangy and such! Well thanks you all. *bows to fake clapping*

Well today was a bit weird. I mean starting off was normal, expect the part were Holly dressed up like Bloddy Mary and had really long nails on and was talking about gowging people's eyes out. O.o;; Yes that was weird and then in 3rd period-

Oh wait before that it was lunch and Justins birthday! Happy B-day Justin!!!

Well anyways. In thrid period we had a sub *Yes!* Well I sat in a group with Lucia, Bannana Boy, Men, Mike, and me. Well out of no where we start talking about sex. O.O;;; I know right. Well Bannana boy was saying you lose calories when you fuck. I was like "WTF!" And then he asked me and Lucia if we where a guy for one day what would we do. Luscia said she would want to have sex with a girl just to fell it and have someone kick her in the nuts. O.O;;; WTF!!! And Bannana Boy said that he would go into the girl's locker room and into the girl's bathroom. I called him a pervert. Then I asked him if he could be anything other then human what would it be. He said a ghost so he could watch girls in the bathroom and in the locker room. I called him a pervert again. Luscia said she would go and steal things if she was a ghost.

I know we talk about weird things. I'm actually surprised we got some work done. And in 4th block they were amazed at how fast I can write and tried to read my story. I didn't let them though. I only share my stories on line, so XP

Well that is enough for me. Have a good Halloween! Be safe, don't get run over by a car. And don't eat too much candy!

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