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myOtaku.com: Lie74

Wednesday, October 5, 2005

Haro haro everyone
Well some people I got to and I am saying to remind everyone that I have the new picture up.

Well me and may friend are getting to know more about each other and I had to fill out this little quiz thingy and I thought it would be okay to post here. It is pretty long. But here it is.

1. name - Lisa Sheerin
2. time: 8:16 pm
3. sex - female
4. birthday- 7/1
5. shoe size- 9-9 1/2- 10
6. hair color- light brown
7. eye color- blue/green/ hazel
8. height - No clue but I hope I'm still growing. ^^;;;
9. location- jacksonville

10. beer - Coors light!! *kidding*
11. cigarette- I don't want to die early, no thanks
12. color - Purple (Hasn't changed a bit)
13. movie - Spirited Away
14. vehicle - As long as I have no, I don't care!
15. book - Speak
16. magazine - Newtype
17. sport - Fighting of any kind
18. tv show - Charmed
19. season - 6

20. store - Hot Topic
21. band - Fall out boys, Green Day, BBS (still there new CD ain' bad)
22. holiday - Christmas
23. Starbucks- Mom hates coffee, won't let me try. TT.TT
24. the best friends- Umm tons of them.... To name a few Holly, Christina, Amy, Jenifer, and You
25. someone you hate - The man (who ever that is?)
26. someone you love- family?
27. someone you don’t love or hate- My doggie (won;t me up at 2 am last night was I kinda mad at her)
28. last person you went out to eat with- Family Pizza at the mall!
29. last person you watched a movie with- My dad
30. last person you hugged- Everyone on Saturday.
31.last person you kissed - My mommy??
32. last person you got in a fight with- Brother

33. boxers or briefs - boxers
34. thongs or boyshorts - ...
35. Wendys or Arbys- Niether
36. Panera or McAllisters - huh?
37. Bmw or Mercedes- Does it matter?

38. OC or Laguna Beach - Niether
39. Abercrombie or American Eagle- AE
40. Finish Line or Foot Locker - foot locker
41. florida or florida state- florida state
42. Verizon or Sprint - I don't have either ... yet
43. Kerry or Bush - I wasn't old enough to vote for that one.
44. Blockbuster or Hollywood Video- blockbuster
45. Pro-choice- Ummm ... what?
46. War on Terror- What? No I guess. I don't like the war
47. Popcorn or Candy- Can't we just mix them together and call it even?
48. Kit Kat or Reeses- Reeses for me

Number of times you
49. brush your teeth a day- 2-3
50. take a shower a day- 1-2
51. wash your car per month - if i hade one, never! Kidding maybe once every other week.
52. have watched Donnie Darko: wht is that? (Really what is that?)
53. broke a bone- Never. I have never broken my bones. Werid... maybe
54. broke a heart - None that I have heard of.
55. had your heart broken- None! I am a free women. No stupid man is goign to get me down!
56. thought you were in love- Once (Don't ask)

Last time you

57. liked someone- Maybe... Banana sticks is kinda cute, in that I am have a shirt asking for a quater for a banana stick kinda way.
58. poured your soul out to someone- When I'm sad, but I normally sing my fears away
59. shaved- Weekend
60. cried- I can't remember my last emotinal break down...
61. got really depressed- Sunday
62. went shopping- Friday
63. had a slurpee- Wow.... a long long time ago
64. hit something- You mean like actually hitting something... Well my stupid lock because they gave me the wrong combo for it.
65. went on a road trip- I wish I could go on one this summer. Last one was last year
66. wished your life was different- Right .. hold it .... hold it...... .... Now!

What type of
67. watch do you own- none I lose mine too fast
68. shoes do you wear- City sneaks and sandles
69. jeans do you like- any?
70. movies are your favorite- comedy/romance
71. car do you drive - none
72. slurpee do you like- bleu razzberry
73. tic-tac’s are your favorite- orange ones (Any other are too strong for me)

74. Where'd you spend New Year's- playing poker in my back room.
75. New Years resolution- Forgot it already... ^^;;;
76. New Years kiss- My family...
77. Best gift received for Christmas- My cell phone
78. Best gift given for Christmas- THe time I gave my brother the pad of paper as a joke and he thought that was what I really got him. *laughs*
79. If you had one wish, what would it be- To get the hell out of Wolfson!
80. What’s your screen name- Where do I start- MyOtaku, Anime papers, MT, SEED forum- Lie74/ Cagalli74 on AIM/ also known as Lisa S. on some art works around the net
81. Where do you work- Sam goody I hope...
82. Who was the last person you took a picture with- Everyone on Saturday
83. Who is more beastly than Triple S: Who?
84. What is the last outfit you wore- Black two top t-shirt, jeans, and gray jacket because my classes are freezing
85. What were the last shoes you were- My tan sandles, but my sneakers- black and pink converses
86. Worst idea you last had- Wearing sandles on a rain day in St. Augetine and falling on but scrapping my leg up because of it. (Yeah not smart)
87. Who was the last person to say they love you- My mommy? (I'm a daddy's girl really I am)
88. When do you usually go to bed- 11:00-1:00 am
89. Which game systems do you own - Game cube
90. Whats one pet peeve of the opposite sex- There constant thikng about having sex. XP
91. What makes you the happiest- When I'm talking to friends on the net.
92. Describe your emotions right now- tired, just did my work outs and also burning my brownies (Hold on.... Saved them okay I'm back!)
93. Name the people you trust without a doubt- Vanessa, Brenette and other good friends
94. Name someone you want to punch in the face- My brother and the jerk who jumped off of his bus and landed on my feet(While I was wearing sandels!!)
95. What’s the last thing you stole- My pride
96. Name the last thing you bought over a $100- I can say I bought a whole lot of DVDs that went over 100. And that one time we bought my dad a new DVD player...
97. Name something that bugs the crap out of you- Haters, jocks, and fake goths. And sometimes the ocasonal prep
98. When was the last time you laughed hysterically- When my dad was doing the work out tape early/ pretendint to be Micheal Jackson was funny.
99. Who do you care about more than anything in the world- Family and best friends
100. What did you think of this survey- I felt I know more about my self... *snickers* okay it was long.

The one friends question that has some Otaku mebers names but you might know them as that. ^_^

Well that is all for me. I'm done for today. Have a good one everybody. *I actually have homework today T_T*

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