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myOtaku.com: Lie74

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Banner buddies
Well today was to werid at school. First my 2nd period was so cold I thought I was going to freeze and then the AC in half of the school shuts down. And I thought I was going to fry in 4th period. And then it was raining. Don't get me wrong I love the rain but it always makes me sleepy.

Our bus was late too! And on the walk home from the bus stop it was lightly raining. Needless to say I was soaked. So wet. Xp

Well nothing new in school. That girl that sprayed me wasn't there today. I would have talked to her if she was though. And I actually got a seat in math class. I have had to sit in a swivle chair. And it was pretty fun, but they moved some of the kids out so now we have room. Well it was also picture day today. TT.TT It was faster then when I was younger though. They call you by last name and you go down in paying or non paying lines and you get it done. Bam! That's it.

Well I finished all my work. And I only have have three work pages to do tonight. *cheers* Well I also have my banners. Not alot this time since I haven't been on as of late, but most of my good buddies and people who helped me with codes got one. So click on your name if it's below to see your banner.
Ayame Clyne
Cagalli Yamato
And last but not least at all.

So enjoy the banners guys. Also I would thank Ayame Clyne for the cides from her URL site for my links.

Well thanks all for reading. Enjoy your day. And stay dry. XP

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