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myOtaku.com: Lie74

Thursday, August 4, 2005

Self esteem down a bit
Mood: Half awake half asleep
Time of Post: 12:00 am
Listening to: You and me by Lifehouse

For some strange reason I feel like crap. I was entered in a contest I didn’t even know I was entered in. And well I was entered for fanart and wallpapers. And I’m being put up against Ayame Clyne and Elvesatemyramen. So I have a really good feeling I’m going to be losing this thing because I read through the comments and no one votes for me. *tear* I know I’m not that good in making stuff and I don’t know a lot of people. But quoting Excel here- I’m not very bitter, but goddam!!” I mean I couldn’t even campaign for myself because I didn’t even know I was in it. Well I think I’m going to lose and I’m pretty much okay with that. I’m entering in Ayame Clyne’s contest. (This one I know about) So here’s link to really cute. Site. We need 20-30 people so we can get it to work. Well let me stop blabbing and here’s the link.

*New theme soon*

Well I did get to everyone’s sites yesterday. Put I didn’t comment. I was just way to tired. They did us in a t work again. There is construction in front of the place. And It’s a school right. And there not going to be done in like 2 years. XP So they said one thing yesterday, so my mom and PTA members worked on the letters that needed to be sent to the parents. Well when they finished all 500!!!!!!!!! of them, the people came back and said something different. So for two and a half hours folding and stapling papers. My figures were red at the end and all glossy. And then they made us to more paper work. TT.TT I get paid though. But we got Pizza for lunch and we rested for a while.

Well when I got home I started up the computer and went to fan fiction heaven and added another chapter to my story and added a new story on Stellar. Nothing much. Then I came back to the Otaku and read post. I’m still beat. They were thinking of making us come in tomorrow but my mom was nice and told us we didn’t have to. *God bless*

Well to the winners of the contest. *Vanessa-chan who already gave me what she wanted, 2lov who hasn’t been on, and Shippo-souten who is out of town* I shall have everything soon enough for you guys. And speaking of Shipping. I got my figures yesterday. !o! They got here with in two days. Regular mail too!! But only thing is that they send you only 1 figure. TT.TT But I plan to raise money and get the others. I got a Kira Key chain. He looks so cute Chibi. I also got the Fllay figure and the Lacus laying down. I love changing the Fllay one around because you can change her looks. ^_^ It’s like being a kid.

Well I am off with a picture of my favorite wallpaper (put smaller). So cute Sousuke puppy!!

That reminds me of the new Fumoffu. They were doing a pony guy who only said pony and a boutakun that said Fumoffu. And me and LGL80 where saying that because I sound like a boutakun when I say Fumoffu and LGL80 sounds like the pony guy. So me and him where saying that and we pretended to know what we where saying and these kids working on papers were looking at us funny. It was pretty funny.

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