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myOtaku.com: Len23

Sunday, October 9, 2005


Hola, Me kinda tired....so yeah anywho i hope everybodys been having a really good week...im not going to school on wendsday...cause there is no need...so y go? so yeah ive been practicing for my Mockinterview (exactaly what it sounds like) so yeah its going to suck....i cant get a job...i want to get a job but my parents said no...they think that i will 'get the taste of money' and not finish school...i told them that when i was younger i ate a doller for two buck....and it didnt mess me up (to bad) but they didnt like the joke, but yeah i also found a cool thing w/ the navy...so i figured that i could join after High School, but once again i was blackflaged by my parents....hm....so yeah anywho i will be on tomarrow again and also on monday...so yeah anywho Pm me if u want to talk...cya laters!

-the other LEN

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