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myOtaku.com: kyoshiro elric

Monday, March 20, 2006

2 tragedies happened Saturday: the first one was that my cousin & friend was at my house and they took the 'which jrocker matches your personality'
quiz and just like me they ended up with Gackt as a result. The second one is that my fav. anime FMA ended, yeah I wanna die like that draw transmutation circles on me and disappear into another world^^. You know what I dislike? Is the fact ppl watch FMA only for the action and comedy when there's so much more to the show - its a really deep show so...did Hughes, Scar, Greed and Lust die for nothing? Think about it. The show is really realistic ya know just think about it. Anyway the Diru show is tomorrow at 7pm and unfortunately for me I found out too late and its sold out but I was thinking of going anway, sneaking in and kidnapping the band. So here's a skit of me doing that.
me: Put Kyo-Sama in the trunk he's small enough to fit.
Kyo inside the trunk kicking it with his feet
Kyo: ~speaking japanese~
me: Huh? This is America speak English or in your
case Engrish.
Kyo: I'll kill you.
the other band members tied up sitting in the floor of the car
Kaoru: (rolls his eyes)
Shinya: (says nothing but looks a little scared)
Die: (stares out the window)
Totchi: (bouncing up and down) Where we going? Is
it fun there? Do they have games, anime, food? Can I bounce, bouncy bouncy bounce!
me: Shut up Totchi you'll find out when we get there!
Kaoru: Can you untie me so I can get my cigerettes?
me: When we get to my house yeah.
Kaoru: Ah come on!
Totchi: (screeches like a monkey)
we get to my house I untie everyone I give them all cigs, Die alcohol and Shinya ice cream
we sit down in the living room and watch FMA
Totchi: Ooooo!! I never been in an American home!
What's this? Oh who are these people in this picture? Ah anime de american-jin anime!
Kaoru: (smacks Totchi) Shut up and sit down!
2b tsuzuku.......mwhahahahhahahhaha

too many quizzes have i taken & the only result I got was gackt I'm gonna write him hatemail....
ooo 'another world' another gackt song never heard it though.

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