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myOtaku.com: Kyo krazy

Wednesday, April 5, 2006

Bored yes, very bored
glitter graphics glitter graphics glitter graphics glitter graphics glitter graphics glitter graphics

Currently I'm feeling: A little bored, tired.

NeWay, how are all of you? So....once again I have changed my site theme hehe ^^ this one's "Kawaii Angels" I just think it's fun. Well I'm really happy as well as bored cause my friend that I thought was leaving isn't!! Yay!! Do any of you know Cia-chan? Well she said she was leaving but it was a complicated situation so she wasn't actually leaving, she just got a new site!! I so happy!! Well her new name is Minamoto Botan. I think she still has both sites active 4 awhile so you can visit either or both!! ^-^ Well now I don't have much to say so I'll make a banner for Cia!!

Yay!! I'm soooo glad she's back on!!

Well here's the animation of the day!!

glitter graphics

And don't forget to vote for the display bishie!!

Sauske Uchiha (Naruto)

Yuki Sohma (Fruits Basket)

Train (Black cat)

Currently the vote is:

Tied for the lead Train and Yuki w/ 3 votes each, and in last Sauske w/ 1 vote

Thanx for coming!! ^-^

glitter graphics

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