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Friday, August 19, 2005

   Nightwish Rocks!!!

...Nightwish rocks!!! ... they do! if you know who they are tell me your opinion of them...if you dont ... tell me or favorite music or band... i'll work with that... into something sinical! Bwahahahahaha!!!!!!

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Thursday, August 18, 2005

   yay!!!! laptop classes!!!

im taking laptop classes!!! i love being able to be on line AND suposed to be working at the same time!!!! hehehe!

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Wednesday, August 17, 2005


i dont know why but nicole is made at me.... whats going on?... man...

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Tuesday, August 16, 2005


sorry for going over board Cagalli... for a ecample of my hot headedness see the post pefor this one! its a real treat! ;p

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   Oh my god!!

Some one actually had the gaul to write 'rice and beans' as a favorite food!! I'm sorry but thats a SIDE dish!!!!!! I was asking for the MAIN corse!!!! .... didnt mean to fly off the handle there, I'm sorry... now ...I would like to know what your favorite MAIN course food... please

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Monday, August 15, 2005

   Hi! I'm back from the dead!

sorry about not posting in a while and not checking your sites... my computer was being fixed so ya... this is just a curiosity but what is your favorite food dish?...im tired ok? i cant think up anything else...

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Friday, August 12, 2005

   woot! I'm street legale!...almost..

I got my permit to day!! Me so happy!!! yay!! everyone stay off the road!!!

oh! and can everyone go to Nevi's site and join her club? It would be very apresiated!!!

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Wednesday, August 10, 2005

umm...ya...this may sound weird but....

how is it that a plane can fly upsidedown even tho the wings are disigned to fly right side up... wouldnt the disign its self cause the plane to fly right into the ground?... sorry about this question... such interesting things come up in tennis practice...

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Tuesday, August 9, 2005


if your reading this.... Congradulations! you can read!!

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Monday, August 8, 2005

   You suck!... kinda

The ones who dont live in California suck!...not really...thats just me being stupid... but California rules!!!

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