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myOtaku.com: Kosher-Yoshi

Sunday, August 28, 2005

-:- So sprinkle paper snow, and we can pretend its real -:-

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I'm Feeling: Image hosted by Photobucket.com {Exhausted}

I'm Hearing: "Painted Black" - Rolling Stones

Lucky Numbers: 47, 05, 65, 39, 94


Wow. Just wow. Things have just been so hectic this past week.

But I'll try to recall the big events.

Let me start of with Stetson. Okay, so at the beginning of the summer I was informed that we had a new neighbor moving in five houses up the street from me. Come to find out, the Mistress of the family works under my dad and they have an older son, Stetson.

So naturally, my parents want me to carpool with him to school every morning. The only problem? Its the Tuesday before school starts and I still haven't met him. So our parents arange this lunch date for us.

So Wednesday rolls around. And I'm at work (It was my last day and Andie and Tiff gave me a gift ;_;. It was rather sad.) and this guy walks in and just sits down. So I look up and I'm like, "Hi, can I help you?" And this guy is all like, "I'm here for Rachel." It was weird, it was awkward, it was embarrassing. Everyone was staring at me. So to save face, I was like, "Cool, let me go get my things and I'll be right out."

So as were walking out, I notice his car is kinda shabby and he has all the windows rolled down. I don't comment. I mean, I like the windows down.

So we go to La Fluentes, my all time favorite resturant. And the weirdness just continues. I practically had to talk the entire time. Because heaven forbid this guy make normal conversation. All he kept asking was if I had a boyfriend, or was I interested, and crap like that. I swear I wanted to smack his ass.

So, I'm going to interupt this story, to tell you how I was up till four in the morning working on my English Project. Thankfully I got it done. Now, back to what I was originally saying.

So, Thursday morning rolls around, and I'm getting ready, and all of a sudden I hear this horrible sound comming from outside. I look at the window and low and behold its Stetson in all his glory.

So I walk out, and notice that all the windows are down. Which I find strange, because it's sorta chilly. So I get in the car, turn down that awful music, and ask whats the deal with the windows. When he replys... "I don't have a working AC." I thought I would die.

So I roll up my window, because I'm not about to stand for my hair to get messed up when I actually fixed it for the first day of school.

When we do arrive at school, things only worsen. Not only did he crunch my project by throwing his bookbag on it, but he made me show him where all of his classes were. Which is fine, but he went out of his way to put his hands on me.

Ugh, yeah, and I ride with this kid every day to school. >.<

But anyway, classes were normal I guess, I get lots of homework everynight. And my math teacher is a total control freak, whom I have next semester too. She's really dumb and shouldn't be teaching. We were reveiwing planes. And the problem asked how to draw one, and some kid in the back goes like an airplane. And the teacher goes, no thats p-l-a-i-n. And I was like, omfg, no she didn't even I know that its spelled plane. So I was a jerk and was like, no it is plane. I know, bad me, I kinda felt guilty.

And, I'm now an official SATSA. Which stands for Spartan Athletic Trainer Student Aid. Its really cool, I'm on the varsity football roster (sp?). I get to help out with the injuries and stuff, well I will be.

Let me tell you. They had an away game on Friday, and I rode with them, and I was the only girl on the entire bus.

And seeing how I haven't been taught yet how to properlly attend to injuries, I get to be water girl with Jay, who is friggen awesome. But being water girl kinda sucks, cause all the guys give me a hard time. But its cool, cause when one of our players got injured I got to run out on the field. I felt dumb just standing around. But everyone said I looked cool. Haha.

And on Saturday, I slept in till 12, and then I clean, played some guitar, and did my mounds of homework.

I'm hoping I'll get around to updating more. I miss knowing whats going on in everyones life. XD Also, I plan to comment, later today, but I'm like super tired.

Sooooo, yeah. Later I guess, and Goodnight!


PS... If you have Yahoo, add me and IM me... I need more friends! XD


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