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myOtaku.com: Kokutan-Ookami

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Yesterday was another good day. In guard we're starting to use our floor in class! It's really hard to fold and unfold it every day, but it helps us!^^ (A floor is a really big tarp that covers most of the floor for our guard preformances.)After school, I did homework while sissy did random guard stuff. After a while we decided to go to Office MAx to get a graph paper notbook and a regular binder. It was fun because we were both really delarious! XP I got the binder because I want to make a notebook of all the amazing art I still when the artist dosn't want it. It's weird, but fun! ^^ My sister got a graph paper notebook because she was writing drill for a guard show.

Today I have nothing planed again. It's kinda nice to not always have something happening! So today will probably be another day to do homework and relax!^^


Quote of the Post:
"When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." ~Confucius

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