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myOtaku.com: Kokutan-Ookami

Thursday, January 18, 2007

   Beeeep! XD

Well School went as it normaly dose. I finally have a class with my boyfriend though, not to mention with almost every one of my friends! Painting ROCKS! (expesally with Frassa)

After school I had to get my schedule changed because I had two socal studies classes and no English. This is because I signed up for AP Geography and they didn't take out my History. That took about 30 mins to an hour because it's the begining of the semester. So many people!!!@.@

Once I got home I got on the computer, but I couldn't post because I was makeing a Inn on Gaia called Mereth en draugrim Inn with my boyfriend. (It's an elvish Inn)And I also had some AP homework that took me forever because I hate reading texts books! XP


I'm about to go to school, but I'm posting now because we have art club today! And after art club we have a birthday party for my boyfriends best friend, Brandon. And I wont really be home much today.

It's going to be nice to finally have art club again! Probably because I know everyone and you can do 'almost' anything you want there! XD This is the first one of the semester! In a few weeks were going to have a pot luck!^^

I don't really know Brandon all that well, but I have still talked with him when I see him and have been attaked by him many times! XD He plays the tuba, so for those of you band geeks, that(usualy) makes him awesome! I was invited to go to his suprize B-day party today, so it's going to be amusing! Although, with crazing people like them who knows how it will turn out! >.>...<.<...>.>

Well I'm off to school!


Quote of the post:
"We are all something, but none of us are everything." ~Blaise Pascal

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