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Monday, February 5, 2007

Sorry for not posting over the weekend!


Guard practice went well! We have about half our show done and we've only have 2 weeks! I think thats pretty good considering how late we started!

Some of us walked to dinner and it's been really cold the past few weeks. So we ran through the ice and piles of snow while sliping a lot! XP


My boyfriend was having troubles so I went over to comfert him. The day ended well and I came home to 11 pages of homework. I worked untill ten and went to sleep. I still have 4 pages to read! X.X


Well I'm still deadly sore from pracice because we were running around in a cold room for 12 hours (the muscles don't like that!), but I think today will go well. Once again I'm posting on my way out the door, but I'll try to get on if I'm not flooded with homework!^^


Quote of the Post:
"Laughter rises out of tragedy, when you need it the most, and rewards you for your courage." ~Erma Bombeck

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Saturday, February 3, 2007

Guard Practice

Today I have practice from 10-10 so I'm posting now because I don't know if all be able to post later tonight. I'm really excited though because we're finally geting our show started! We have about 7 sets of 8 done in work and about 1 min in drill!!! And sence were having a long practice were going to get a lot farther! Well I have to get ready! Bai bai!^^


Quote of the Post:
"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful." ~Albert Schweitzer

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Friday, February 2, 2007

February! ^^

So yesterday was Thursday and we had art club!^^ It was really fun because we got to wach some flash videos like Charlie the unicorn and The demented cartoon movie.

Today school was fine, I had to go in for access to talk with my AP teacher about how I can handle the class better and such. Once I got home I started my bundle of homework before I got ready to go to the Epic movie. Right before we went I got a phone call saying I was suppost to work bingo tonight. That kinda runed the mood because I had no idea and I had to tell them I couldn't come. (It's been really hard there lately) But we got to the movie on time! It wasn't a very good one in my opinion, but I kinda knew it wasn't gonna be. I just wanted to see if it was better then it looked. So now I have to continue my homework! Bai bai!^^


Quote of the Post:
"A word to the wise ain't necessary, it's the stupid ones who need the advice." ~Bill Cosby

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Wednesday, January 31, 2007


When I got home today I started woring on my homework, but once I started reading for AP Geography I started to get annoyed because I wasn't retaining information. So I went to my room to relax and ended up breaking down. I'm really stressed about this class! Right now I have an F because I got 50% of 3 papers and one late paper because of comunication issues. I've never failed a class before and it's freaking me out!

Once I finaly relaxed I fell asleep. When I woke up I checked the time; it was 7:15 and I freaked out. We had a really improtant guard meeting today at 6:30 and mom left without me so I could sleep! I think I'm going to be in a lot of trouble because this meeting was a BIG deal!!! I just don't know what to do!

After I found that out, I went back to my room and almost fell asleep again before I realized I needed to take a shower. I thought this might help me relax enough to start reading, but right now I feel like crying every time I see that book! So I get to be the stupid one who didn't read the section tomarrow in class.

My moms going to call my teacher and ask what I can do to get extra help, but thats also going to be hard for me because I hate getting extra help, I've never really needed it, and she'll probably say come in for access, but I hate coming in after school! I wish we could still have it in the morning!!!

And so this ends the ranting I have at the moment.


Quote of the Post:
"He who speaks without modesty will find it difficult to make his words good." ~Confucius

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I found out yesterday that I'm going to be mentioned on Friday for my art, and while I'm excited for that my friends planed a movie day on Friday too! Well I guess I'm going to miss the movie because it's my first time being in an art show, but mabey something will work out.

Today we have a late start at school so, as tradition, Nove, my boyfriend, his best friend, and me are going to McDonalds to get liver failer! XD My boyfriend and his friend (I'm gonna call him Fex) started the tradition a while ago, but Nove and me started to follow once we were invited.

I'm creeped out because when I went to get my breakfast from the desk I got in a spider web. And thats really weird because I've never seen a web on my desk before. I'm also scared of spiders...^^'


Quote of the Post:
"When people keep telling you that you can't do a thing, you kind of like to try it." ~Margaret Chase Smith

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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Before I head out the door

Yesterday turned out to be a bad day. Before class even started something went wrong with my boyfriend. And so I was worried throughout the day until I could talk to him in 6th hour.

My friend Nanshippo was also having a bad day. But when she's in a bad mood it's really scary. Sometimes she can't really stop herself (or so it seems) and so she gets very violent. Even when she's joking around with one person, if anyone buts in she screams at them. it's kinda weird and scary! (and can hurt! x.x)

So throughout the day everything seemed off and I was just in the middle of it. But I think it will get better today!^^


Quote of the Post:

"Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win." ~Bernadette Devlin

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Monday, January 29, 2007


More cach up! X.X


School was getting alot better by then and my stress level was going down!^^


I had guard from 10 to about 7ish. It was fun and we got 1min of our show done in drill. Were still behind though, our first show is in a few weeks and we started really late because of instructor issues. But I think it's gonna pull through! The only downer is we have a croud pleaser this year because our band director wants to recrute people. Our song is Sweet Dreams.


I had a day with my boyfriend. A few weeks ago we played a game and the bet was who ever won would get to host a perfect day. So it was Sunday!^^ It started out badly, but in the end it was pretty good!^^ We found some stuff to do and I made a successful dinner so every thing turned out!


Once again I'm about to go to school, I'll try to get on after I get home, but who knows with everything going on! XD


Quote of the Post:
"The richness I achieve comes from Nature, the source of my inspiration." ~Claude Monet

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Thursday, January 25, 2007

   Art show!!!

I got in the state art show with my saxaphone painting!!! I'm really excited! Only me ane one other person got in out of eight people from our school!^^ I think it really hard to get in so it's awesome! I wasn't expecting to get very far with it, but I guess I did! When I can take it home I'll try to post a pic.!^^


Quote of the post:

"Art is the only thing you cannot punch a button for. You must do it the old-fashioned way. Stay up and really burn the midnight oil. There are no compromises." ~Leonytne Price

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So once again I need to cach up! XD ::sighs:: Sorry I keep forgeting to post!


I can't remember that far back right now! XP


School seemed a bit better, but I still was feeling weird....I don't know what kinda of weird...just weird.

After school I went to get my passport. I'm going to Paris next year for band! I can't wait!!! It was halerious when my mom got her picture, because she had her hair down and over her ears and she was told to show them. Mom got confussed and made a big, but joking, deal about how weird it was she had to show her ears. But once that was over she was told not to show her teeth, so once again she started laughing at that. It was funny!...I guess you'd have to be there.

I got home from that and wached some anime I've never seen before with my sisster. I think it was callled Loki or something. It as amusing!^^ And thats about it for yesterday.


Well today hasn't really happend yet, but we have art club and I don't know if I'll be able to post...well I'm gonna be late for my ride if I don't stop typeing so Bai bai!^^


Quote of the post:
"I've always said that in politics, your enemies can't hurt you, but your friends will kill you." ~Ann Richards

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Monday, January 22, 2007

   Well yup....

Today I was a bit stressed at school. I still don't know exsactly why, but I think guard troubles and tons of homework help a bit.

I finally got a hand on my painting I've been working on for a few months! I've been stuck on the hand and the face FOREVER!!!I'll try to get a picture up when I'm done!^^

When I got home, I worked on homework for 3-4 hours and played Spyro! XP The reason it took so long for homework is because I have AP Geography and I hate texts books! XD I'm also not use to having homework because I usualy have it done before schools over...But thats about all for my day....

Nobody seems to be coming to my site so I'm gonna brain stom about things to do so that it's more fon for you guys to read!^^ I feel so alone! XD


Quote of the Post:
"Art is not about thinking something up. It is the opposite -- getting something down.

The Artist's Way"
~Julia Cameron

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