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myOtaku.com: Kokuei

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

After watching the 2-hour season finale of "Lost" and being some-what satisfied with the results, I flip to FOX to see who one "American Idol," and it's that damn CARRIE!!!

Gah!! I spent a half-n-hour voting a million times for Bo, and yet that stupid bitch wins! "Oh, look at me! I'm a cute little blonde and I'm from Oklahoma and I won American Idol even though I sing horribly!" (Sorry for those of you who are blonde; I'm not trying to offend you, it's just that every blonde I've met has been a prep and/or a slut). I kept saying to myself, "How the hell did she WIN??! She's terrible! She couldn't sing if her life depended on it!" But my brother got all mad at me for yelling in his ear and my dad said that was enough, so I had to stop. But, seriously! Bo should have beaten her like she was dirt beneath his feet. RRrrr--I can't STAND this!

I'm just so MAD!! Why the f*ck does this world need more POP or COUNTRY singers [though I do like counrtry]?! We need originallity, some spice to life! Some personality, people! Not the same damn thing! That's why Rock singers are the best because they're DIFFERENT from everyone else. Pop is just like R&B, Rap, and Hip Hop. Just a bunch of sluts and hoes walking around, talking about sex and cheating on everything. Rock is about the passion of music and about the messed up stuff about our government and having a good time with your friends.

And if it weren't for tommorrow being my last day of school, I'd be REALLY ticked.

*heavily sighs* Okay, so tommorrow is my last day of school, and nothing can't make me unhappy about that. I mean, we have a HUGE award ceramony (and I think I'm getting one award...) and at the end of the day, we have Barter Day where we trade stuff with everybody and yearbook signings. I'm just gonna take pictures of my friends instead of buying a 30$ yearbook. Maybe even make my own yearbook!

But what really scared me earlier was the severe thunderstorm we had. I hate the bus ride home in the first place, with all the sharp turns we make and the fact that we go on a VERY bumby road, but today it was pouring rain. I mean, raining-cats-and-dogs raining. And I am deathly afraid to go on the bus. I called my parents twice, asking them to pick me up, but they said that I would be fine. Ye should have seen the death-grip I had on the seat in front of me and the tears just pouring from my eyes. But I now sit safe and sound in front of my laptop. Let me tell ya, NOTHING has scared me as much as that did. I'm just glad to be home.

I just skimmed over my last journal entries, and I can not BELIEVE that I used to write stuff like that. No wonder I didn't get many hits! I was such a dumb@$$ to even waste my time typing all that crap. I just hope nothing like that will happen again >.>....

Now, if ye will excuse me, but I need to take a shower.



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