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myOtaku.com: Kogalover05

Saturday, May 14, 2005

   Behind the Wheel, more stuff about Travis, and more stuff about the fat whore(Travis's mom)
Hey people. I had my 1st BTW today, and I did good. He said that I g2 work on my turning tho...basically my right turns...anyhoo.

Guess what I found out? I found out that Travis might be going to a foster home permanently. I have mixed feelings about this tho. I want him to move because he deserves so much better then where he is now. He's such a great person and I love him so much that I don't want him to have to put up with that crap anymore, but I don't want him to move because he could be moving out of state. That would make me cry for like....years. T_T But we don't know for sure wtf is gonna happen come Monday so...all we can do is wait it out...and waiting sucks ass.

Guess what else I found out? I found out that on the way to the foster home that Travis is staying at for the weekend, his mom was saying shit about me. Calling me a dumb little bitch and saying that I'm an idiot and shit like that. She was doing this for a half hour. ::cough::stupid bitch::cough:: lol. And she wants to talk to my mom to "get the truth" because she says that she never said any of that shit. She says that she never said that she didn't like me and that whatever Travis is saying to me and my mom is a load of crap. She's like, "Something is going on with Trav. I don't know what but, whatever he's been saying to you and your mom, don't believe it. He's just full of shit. Somethings going on with him and I have no clue what it is." I knwo for a fact, tho that she was talkin shit about me...I HEARD IT!!! When I was on the phone with Trav, I heard her talkin smack about me. It's kind of funny actually....grrr >_< anyhoo....

Yeah. anyhoo, now I'm depressed at the thought that I would never see Travis again....I would literally die. Well, I wouldn't DIE die but. I would die on the inside. I'd just become a shell of a person, walking around without a purpose. I'd talk to people, but I wouldn't care what about, I would start failing school. I'd probably have to drop out because I could never make up the cradits. **sigh** I told my mom this and she's like, "it's just a boy. You'll get over it." But she doesn't understand. I love him so much. I'm willing to die for him. I'd kill someone to save him. I'd do anything for him. **sigh** I just love him so much...I'd better go now. I'm becoming even more depressed than I was before. TTY guys later. Bye, sorry I wrote so much. I don't mean to take up your guys' time by having you read all of this but....sorry. I'm sure you don't even care about my problems so again, I'm sorry. Bye

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