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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

*tsk* Girl, PLEASE.
Those of you that know me ( none ) and those of you that follow my posts ( none also ) probubly know that I almost never post twice a day.
But this warrants it.
I have been looking at fanart, and I swear to god, if I see one more person with "*insert bishie's name here*'sgirl" or "Ms.*insert SAME bishie's name here*" in their username, I'm going to step in front of a bus.
That, and the "word" 'hott' is really beginning to get to me. MISSPELLINGS ARE NOT COOL.
I know this. I can't spell. Does this make me cool? No.
It does not.
Is the world being taken over by twelve-year-old children who have spelling defects?? I hope not.
Or are the people who skip around flipping out over EVERY picture of, say, Sasuke or something ( He gets a lot of the creepy misspelling semi-rapistic fan following. ), posting in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, "OMG I LUFFF HIM HE IS SOOO HOTT" just cloning themselves?
Oh, help us Hojo.
So. When all is said and done, I think I can boil my feelings on bishie-dom into this:
"Just STFU already!!!!!" (O____O)

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Sunday, August 20, 2006


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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Pope Stole My Socks
Just wondering, people, have any of you found an anime that everyone loves and talks about so much that you feel you're obscenely familliar with it, yet you've never actually seen or read it?
Apparently I've been kept in the dark here.
All of my friends love Ruroni Kenshin, and they love striking up conversations about it as I just sit awkwardly on the couch, a dumb smile on my face, looking/acting stupid.
Apparently it's like, super popular now, and I've never heard of it.
Am I just a freak, or are there other people like this?

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Friday, August 11, 2006

Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo.

This is crazy funny.

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Saturday, August 5, 2006

I'm very depressed.
You want to know why?
I'll tell you why.
Because NOBODY, NOBODY I've asked, can figure out the significance of the number 426, at least in the aspect I'm looking for.
That's... depressing. Oh. Bloody. Well.
That and I can't read hardly anything on death-note-movie.com, which is another big dissapointment.
But on the bright side, I passed summer school.
"Summer school?" you ask. "Whoa, you must be stupid!"
I'm not. I'm just lazy.
"But then why were you in summer school?"
Don't ask. You just... oh, god. You really don't want to know, trust me. =___=
That, and I've been forgetting things I've known for like, ages, like how to spell "languege".

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Friday, July 28, 2006

All right. My first post in a long time! My internet has been broken, but it's fixed now... more or less... XD
Oh well.

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Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Because I'm bored.

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Sunday, March 26, 2006


Gaian Mood Jewel

Current Mood: hyper

Yeah. YOINK.

Gaian Mood Jewel

Current Mood: Crappy

Click here for your own

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Thursday, February 9, 2006

   Resultage... uh... or something like that
The Bandit...

What was your job in a past life? (LOTS of results & Anime Pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

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   S.S.D.D. in the life of my friends- adventure can't be overrated
I was going to put a rant here, but due to the strangeness of one of my friend's lives, this comes first.
Her name on neopets is Honou_ame if you want to talk to her or ask her how she keeps from going insane.
Her day went sort of like this, from what she tells me:
She arrives at school. Everything is normal.
Less than an hour into her chorus class (her first class of the day) the intercom turns on and they're told to evacuate the building.
Turns out there was a bomb threat to her school.
She's in the gym of ANOTHER NEARBY school (How I love the east coast) and a fight breaks out.
After- who knows how long- they go back to the school, but only after not only the police, the K-9 unit, and who knows what else comes- and stay on lockdown for another, say, hour.
She's in chorus so they're singing.
After that, the day progressed by the administrators telling them to go to third bell, then second, then fourth, then fifth, and sixth and seventh bells. Why this happened I still haven't figured out. Whatever... all I know is the only thing her friend said she was worried about was that she had left her hat back in the building when they were evacuated...

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