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myOtaku.com: ko-neko

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

hey peoples havent posted in a while!<^-^>sorry bout that! hey any of you hear about Free Collars Kingdom? its good you should check it out!<^-^> oh! and Gakeun Heaven too! its a REALLY good yaoi. look it up on youtube.....oh shit outta things to talk about......
Loki: talk about us!talk about us!<^-^>
oh right! i was bored one day so......i created a rock band in my head!<^-^> their name is All But FOrgotten!<^-^>Loki here is the lead singer, Nathan is on guitar
Nathan: yo.....sup?.....call me Nate!;)
right right Nate....anywhose Nikki, who is in fact a boy, is on keyboard.
NIkki: *cleaning keyboard* why does everyone think im a girl?
cause you look like a girl, and last but not least......NEIL!!!! their kick ass drummer!!!
yes well they will be joining my posts for a while so chat away to them!<^-^>

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