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myOtaku.com: Knight Edge

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Picture of the Day

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Hey everyone this is Misty posting for Edge. Yep, you heard right, Edge is too damn lazy to post and I believe that you guys deserve more than just being ignored like that so I'm doing it for everyone^_^ Anyway, yea Edge and I were hanging out for like . . . okay, the whole day but hey if you don't have anything else to do, why not? But we didn't get to do much because I was finishing my portfolio for my Creative Writing class and Edge checked over my stuff for me. After a long while at my place reading over things, I had to get ready for a public reading my Creative Writing class was doing as the last day of class in the on campus library. I got all dressed up and so did Edge. You girls out there have GOT to see Edge all dressed up! YES! YOU WOULD LOVE HIM! He's such a pretty boy. I got some complements myself^_~ That was about all for the day really . . . sadly . . . wow, Edge and I really don't have much of what many would call a life . . . hmm, oh well. I'll make sure that he posts tomorrow.

Q & A

Well it’s time to answer your questions and I, Mystic~Angle (a.k.a. Misty), will answer them for you! Today’s first question is from GIDRA and she asked, “And if U wouldn't go to school or work...what would U be writhing about in U'r posts?Right?” That’s true, I’ve also notice that Edge has been shortening his posts and I’m constantly wondering where the other part of the day went to?! But it’s true, all he does is sleep and lazy around, why do you think I’m posting for him today? But it gets you wondering, if a sexy girl like me ^_~ is in the same room with a guy like Edge and all he does is sleep… well must I go further? GIDRA’s second question is, “Stress...? What is that?” OMG!! Is Edge’s laziness rubbing off on you too?! I must admit that I’m getting really lazy too now that I’m hanging out with Edge all of the time. I love sleeping though^_^ The next question is from mysterioushanyou and she asks, “X3” my answer XD. Next question is from alphonse13 asking, “an enjoy the season an stuff right? xD” Yep! But for those getting to the age of 18 and higher, have you noticed that as each year goes by that Christmas and other such days of getting presents aren’t as exciting as they used to be? Well, at least Christmas is a time to be with the ones you love. Next question is asked by SessLover18, “I hate essays...who doesn't?” Actually, I don’t but that’s because I’m an English major, that’s why I’ve been getting on Edge’s case about writing his essays.


Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area by Misty and the first discussion is from alphonse13, and she says “but at least Misty’s keeping you in line an making you do it!” That’s Right that stupid lazy bum!! Well I can only do so much to get him to work but then I noticed that I’m lazing around too and Edge is now the one telling me to write my essays. Oh well, at least I get a pretty boy to tell me what to do ^_~. The second part of the discussion is from Lordsesshomaru and he says, “I expected to see you on Monday to launch that thing we discussed... and here you are, days late, and it still isn't launched.” What the hell are you guys talking about? … freaking bum’s sleeping and I can’t get anything out of him! Okay, he said that he’ll do it tomorrow or something like that… *sigh* Third discussion is from Lordsesshomaru again and he says again, “The things that I do to relieve stress are classified by the United States government as "illegal", so it is in my best interest not to say anything more. So says my attorney, Jackie Chiles.” LOL!!! Oh man that’s awesome! We must be friends! I’ll visit your site once I get back on the Otaku… not sure when that’ll happen but Edge tells me a lot about you so YES, must be friends!

Random Questions

Well this is an improvement to what used to be here. This used to be a daily question, and a daily answer from me, but now this section has been turned into a weekly question, with my answer being revealed the next week, so let’s see how this works out.

Last Week’s Question

1.) So how was your holiday?

This Week’s Question

1.) What is something you do to relieve stress?

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