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myOtaku.com: Knight Edge

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Picture of the Day

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Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well yesterday was a good day. I can’t say anything too exciting happened to me. I started work on a few new wallpapers, still writing the latest chapter of “The Cursed Knight” which should be done by tomorrow, since I have most of the chapter already written. I hate to say it would seem this latest chapter is nothing but a filler chapter…no fighting, no real arguments between Rire and Edge…even though I could easily make one…or two…hell I could make a lot, but we’ll see what I can do. And…because all of you…Edge is now starting to think he doesn’t look that odd…which is really going against my mentality against myself, but then again that is one of the MANY things Misty is working on with me…I must admit that woman has helped tear down many of the walls, barriers, and couple bottomless pits of Edge’s mind. And I’m shocked that she is still working on me…most people gave up after they hit the first wall… Anyways enough of Edge’s self discovery…it’s something that doesn’t fit well into my post, so we shall be leaving that out from now on. But do know Edge is working on a revolution within himself. And this is for those of you that weren’t here yesterday to see my post…HAHAHAHA, you missed out on seeing Edge’s pictures…Anyways that’s it for my post, so I hope to talk with you guy later. And please do enjoy the rest of the post.

Q & A

Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from GothicNarutoFan, and she asks “Why would I?” Well…I don’t know…maybe because I’ve always set myself up to be knocked down, and I always expect someone to take their shot at me…but I’m starting to see that thinking that way is pretty stupid, and is one of the MANY things I have to change about myself. Anyways the next question is from Alphonse13, and she asks “So does that mean you've figured out what your suppose to do in life?” Actually I’ve known what I’m suppose to do with my life for a long time now, but I do now know what I need to change about myself to make my life a lot better. The next question is from Shred, and he asks “Wait…what tattoos?” The ones me and Misty planned on getting, no not the same tattoo or anything like that. We just planned on getting our tattoos at the same time that’s all. But I’ve already talked about this tattoo so much I’m sure you guys are sick of hearing about it.


Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Morbid Twilight, and she says “I won’t make fun of you. But I will say that you are well....Handsome! heehee, got a little girls there.” Well now…I wasn’t expecting that kind of response…but…umm…I can’t say that I didn’t enjoy it. But I must ask what do you mean by “got a little girls there”? That kind of threw me off…and I’m still trying to figure that one out. Anyways the second discussion is from Alphonse13, and she says “Well as long as your smartassness hasn't gone away, nah I'd still find you amusing no matter what! Nope not at all, you’re not bad looking at all so why would I make fun!” Yep, that is one of the many things that will never change about Edge…he will always be a major smartass. And I’m glad that I would be amusing to you no matter what…not sure if that was an insult or not, but hey what the fuck? Sounded good to me…and you make…*recounts comments*…three girls on here that find me…well some what good looking…well that’s not counting the girls I know on the Otaku that know me off the otaku…which is…*counts on fingers*…three as far as I know.

Random Questions

Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.

Yesterday’s Question

1.) So are you going to make fun of my looks? Nah, I can make fun of my own looks…Misty would kick my ass so hard I would feel it a few years after she kicked it. And I’m not a big fan of making Misty mad…done that once and not going to try that again.

Today’s Question

1.) Are you sure Edge didn’t look weird? (because I thought I did)

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