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myOtaku.com: Knight Edge

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Picture of the Day

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Hey guys, how’s it going today? Well it seems that I have to explain further more on the whole railroad thing. The train tracks that I was running on no longer serve as a transport route, they are now nothing more than rusting tracks, and rotting wood. So even if my foot had got caught in the tracks I would have died from old age before a train would have hit me. Ok, now it’s time to tell you guys what I did all day yesterday. Well Edge being the great friend that he is he tried his hardest to make his best friend Zero feel better. So Zero and me hung out for most of the day…well after my classes had ended of course. We went to Flat Rock Park to tan our pale white flesh…but as we did that we talked about what was bother her, and hopefully Edge did his best to make her day better. And then the rest of our day was spent driving around town, until about 9:00 PM, and our fun started at four, so a good five hours with Zero was all good for me. So yea that was Edge’s whole day…wait!!! I forgot to mention I got back my History Essay I had to write (my test) the funny thing is I didn’t study for it, like always and I actually made an 83!!! That was great because I was hoping for a B, and now I got it, now I just need to get either an B or C on the final and I will pass the class easily. Ok, so before I finish this post with my normal ending I would like to report that Edge has finally finished chapter 11 of his “Cursed Knight” story. So being that tomorrow is Friday, or also known as Cursed Knight Friday, I will like always be posting the latest chapter of my story. I do hope you drop by and enjoy it, and for those of you that would like to make a MAJOR catch up on the story before you read chapter 11 then PM me about it, and we will figure a way out for you to read the first ten chapters. Alright, that is all for today’s post, and I hope to talk with you guys later today, and please do enjoy the rest of my post.

Q & A

Well it’s time to answer your questions, and today’s first question is from Unicornrain, and she asks “Just try not to do anything permanent, okay?: Ah, you take all the fun out of doing reckless things…but I do suppose it best for me to start taking life a little more serious, but I also hope you guys know that Edge doesn’t learn his lessons very fast when it comes to injuring himself…so let’s see how many more parts of Edge get hurt before he figures out to stop. Anyways the next question is from Zero, and she asks “Remember when you hit your tail bone on that rock at Flat Rock Park?” Yeah…that hurt like hell…I don’t see why you have to list out most of my horrible injuries…even though I know that list is suppose to be a lot larger…but then again I know of 99% of my injuries while you only know about 65% of them.


Well now it’s time for today’s discussion area and the first discussion is from Lordsesshomaru, and he says “I believe that everyone's joints crack when they move in weird ways, but you have the superhuman ability to have them crack without there being a severe injury. It's like you're one of the X-Men. O_o” True, but my joints crack whenever I move them in anyway. And I would suppose it is a superhuman ability to crack my joints without suffering any true injuries, which I love because I would hate it if every time I cracked a joint I got hurt…that would be a real pain. An X-Men huh? I like the sound of that. Edge the mutant with the ability to survive severe injuries…it almost sounds like I could be Wolverine. Now if only I had those claws he has…then that would be really cool.

Random Questions

Well today is the day were I give you guys my answers to yesterday’s questions. So they’ll be posted below this, and then under my answers will be a few more questions for you guys. Well have fun laughing at my answers and the new questions if they are funny. And today is the start of a new Question of the day, from now on it will only have one question.

Yesterday’s Question

1.) Does Edge really seem that careless to you when it comes to his own safety? Nah…everyone just thinks he is…he truly cares what happens to himself, because if anything too bad happened then he wouldn’t be able to accomplish his missions in life.

Today’s Question

1.) So are you ready to read chapter 11?

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