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myOtaku.com: KitsuneYuuki

Sunday, August 20, 2006

current mood: Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

=-= imhungry...*sigh* but to lazy to get up and EAT something...my own personal curse...

anywho...waaaahhh!!! i'm BORED...*headbutts computer* have to wait for ko-neko to get up so we can watch Fruits Basket...i've been watching a buncha clips to satisfy myself...but i found out that Rin and Kureno aren't in the anime...so now i'm mad...(oh and S2C: they don't sound any better in english to me...well yuki does...but kyo sounds like...ugh...)

right so anywho...my nails keep distracting me...i painted them in my schools colors...so now they're marroon with a whole bunch of gold sparkles...and their shiny...(hear that Pagan Angel; BTW i wish you'd say hello! i miss ya!!)

well...ima go see who else has updated recently...LATER!!

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