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myOtaku.com: Kitsune Foxfire

Saturday, September 24, 2005

I'll visit everyone later, but while I'm on my computer....Here's some more about foxglen.
the leaders: Red Wolf (a demon wolf with a slightly esentric idea of wepons and a fettish for burning couches. an assasinator who is also a wepons maker) Black Fox ( a calm slick fox with skills in leadership and assasination. Always looking for a new angle) Crow (a vengence demon with shapeshifting abilities. Loyal to a fault, and impossible to kill. He's the 'quarterback' of the team) Shadow (a living shadow, great at spy work, in control of the information network.) Death (a pirate of the river stixs, intristed in not only collecting souls, but collecting cash as well. Also impossible to kill) Death's Minion (a pryro half demon, friendly, really intisted in getting a guy, He's the quite one.)
Jawbreaker (a demon dragon, small, though can shapeshift. Loyal guardian and unexpected backup.)

today's diolog:

Black: huh? a package, sure I'll sign....what the...eww...oh man, not again!

Red: OOO new meat, goodie! I used up all the stakes lasterday! YAY! I'm gonna make kabobs! and look, all cut up already!

Black: you do know that was one of our agents, William, right?

Red: William? NOOOO not Willy! Alas poor Willy, I knew ye well....! and now I shall eat you! yay kabobs!

Visited today: everyone I hope if I can.

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