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myOtaku.com: Kikyo 1

Tuesday, February 8, 2005

   Shit Talk~Kyoto~
Chi:Hi there everbody!Welcome to Shit Talk!And let's welcome our new friend Ichigo to the show!She's subing in for Shuichi & Yumi today!Say hi Ichigo!

Ichigo:Um...is it to late to reconster?

Chi:Yes!Anyway,latly I've been playing on Gaia and Neopets so I haven't had time for otaku.Well anyway let's interduce our anime guest,Ichago please tell the guest to come in.

Ichigo:Who was it again Ryuko Ukai or Norichi Sakuma?

Chi:That's Ryuichi Sakuma and Noriko Ukai!IDIOT!

Ichigo:Oh,now I rember!We were supsose to have Mr.Sakano and K!Come on out!

*K and Sakano walk in

Chi:Please,take a seat.


K:Why are we here?

Ichigo:Because the houst of this show is fourceing you to be?

Chi:So Sakano-san,K-sama what's it like working with Bad Luck?

Sakano:One word.....heckdic.I know one of these days Shindou-san is going to give me a heart attack.

K:Oh boss,come on!

Ichigo:*raises hand*

Chi:Yes Ichigo-chan?

Ichigo:What's it like working with Tohma Seguchi?!

K:Hmmmmmm.....Good question!

Sakano:Umm,well,Shacho can be hard to work with,but I enjoy it very much.

*Phone rings

Ichigo:*answers phone*Hello?

Person Whom Pays For Shit Talk To Air(Pwpfstta):Get a better guest you two idiots are boring the public!

Ichigo:Pwpfstta says we need a new guest!

Chi:Ppl who would be best to interveiw?

a.Tohma Seguchi

b.Sailor Mars






h.K & Sakano(contiued)

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